
Pregnant (& TTC) After Preemie Check-in!

Welcome to the check in group for Pregnant After Preemie!  This group is also for those who are actively trying to conceive, planning on it, or just thinking about it...

So, list your first name, due date if you're pregnant or ttc timeline, preemie's name and gestational age at birth as well as the reason for their prematurity.


luvdv8 - DD, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, Baby #2 due April 14 

Clotho!, Janet - DS Robbie, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e, DS #2 Simon, born at 34 weeks due to PIH and PTL, DS #3 due April 26

ctrickey03, Christina - DS #1 Michael, born full term, DS #2 Christian, born at 32 weeks due to polyhydraminos and IUGR, DS #3 Benjamin, born full term, DD #1 due May 3 

kamcfarlane, Kate - DS Ryan, born at 32 weeks due to placenta previa, DD due May 9 

justme04 - DS Ryker, born at 34 weeks due to severe pre-e and HELLP Syndrome, DS #2 Due June 6

lemen99, Kathy- DS Andrew, born at 26 weeks due to IC, Baby #2 due June 18

mrsfriend, Dawn Marie - DS Parker, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM, Baby #2 due June 24

Thomas2013 - DS Brandon, born at 26 weeks due to unknown reasons, DD due June 29

VTPurity, Karen - DD Soledad, born at 35 weeks due to pre-e and placenta issues, Baby #2 due July 6 

njkaren, Karen - DS Brandon, born at 26 weeks due to fetal distress due to twin's loss at 20 weeks, Baby #2 due July 8

ijack, Ivory - DD Emma, born at 29 weeks due to placental abruption, Baby #2 due August 9 

princessheath17 - DS Jaxson, born at 34 weeks, Baby #2 due August 26 

ShannonSky, Shannon - DD Ellie, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, Baby #2 due September 15

mrsmikey, April - DS Eli, born at 32 weeks due to pPROM, Baby #2 due September 16

albertabride06 - DS Dylan, born at 32 weeks due to short cervix/PTL, Baby #2 due September 26


PDXGal7868, Haley - DS Cole, born at 34 weeks due to unexplained PTL

irishbaby0708 ? DS Jack, born at 30 weeks due to PTL and bicornate uterus

becketts, Rebecca -  DD Norah, born at 34 weeks due to severe pre-e

erikaja6, Erika - DS Jordan, born at 33 weeks due to IC

*Sweet Pea*, Jamie - DD Skylar, born at 29 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP

lmurphy08822, Laura - DD Natalia, born 34 weeks due to pPROM  

Thinking about/Planning on TTCing:

SWMcFarland - DD Lily, born at 34 weeks due to HELLP, TTC summer 2010 or the end of the year

goblue, Kristin - DS Jake, born at 27 weeks due to pPROM, TTC at the end of 2010

weezie825 - DD, born at 33 weekds due to pPROM, TTC summer 2011

JrzyMeeba1, Karen ? DS Hunter and angel baby Parker, born at 26 weeks due to PTL, TTC at the end of 2011 

kimberlyd546 - DS Alex, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e 

Mommies (again)!

mek10976, Megan - DS Simon, born at 32 weeks due to pre-e/pPROM, DS #2 born full term!

sweetpea18, Sara - DD Reese, born at 34 weeks due to pre-e, DD #2 Grier born full term!

magdalina.h, Maggie - angel baby Aidan, born at 28 weeks due to failed cord, DS #2 Lucas born full term!

Hailie, Meg - DS Nolan, born at 33 weeks due to pPROM, DD Maren born full term!

FemmeNat01, Natasha - DD Elena and DS Lucas, born at 33 weeks due to severe pre-e, DD#2 Alessandra born at 31 weeks due to HELLP/placental abruption

Gwenypher7, Jen - DD Abigail, born at 32 weeks due to HELLP/IUGR, DS Cullen born full term!

Heather1979, Heather - DD Olivia, born at 34 weeks due to pPROM/pre-e, DS George born full term!

Tierelieber, Stephanie - DD Charden, born at 30 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DD#2 Adrienne born full term!

IAM4UK - DD Katie, born at 33 weeks due to pre-e/IUGR, twins Abigail and Emily born full term!

Sweets2005, Katie - DD Abby and DS Brady, born at 32 weeks due to placenta previa/bleeding, DD #2 born full term!

mrssnflwr - DD born at 32 weeks due to unexplained PTL, DS born at 36 weeks!

ShanaNChris, Shana - DD Lily, born at 31 weeks due to pre-e/HELLP, DS Liam born full term!

Luvpinsanity, Ashley - DS Brennan, born at 35 weeks due to PTL, DD Addison born full term!

FaithRocks, Kelly - DS Trig, born at 32 weeks due to pre-e, PTL, and placental abruption, DS #2 Grayson born at 35 weeks!

Denesdia, Diane - DD Zoey, born at 25 weeks due to PTL, DS Ben born at 35 weeks!

sabloja - DS Hayden, born at 30 weeks due to pPROM, DD Madison born at 36 weeks!

RRHsMom - DS Ryan, born at 35-36 weeks, DD Meghan born full term!

msalinardi, Margot - DD Angelina, born at 26 weeks due to pre-e, DS Vincent born at 35 weeks due to pre-e, IUGR!

Aidge, Adrienne - DS Sam, born at 29 weeks, DS #2 Ben, born at 35 weeks!

mhop, Martha - DD Campbell, born at 27 weeks due to pre-e, DD #2 Maggie born full term!


News: GL to all our ladies in the 2ww! Congrats to kamcfarlane on being the most pregnant she's ever been! Welcome to new members justme04 and thomas2013!

Updates: Last week, I talked about "the plan" for this pregnancy with my midwife and was feeling much less anxious. Lemen99 is doing great - cervix and cerclage are both looking good! ijack was waiting for her next appt, which is tomorrow! njkaren scheduled her C-section for June 29th and had a good OB appt and ultrasound! mrsfriend is getting a bit anxious about this pregnancy, but everything is going well. kamcfarlane is the most pregnant she's ever been - congrats! Magdalina.h and baby Lucas are doing great and things are starting to really fall into place. justme04 joined our group (she is 29 weeks) and is doing well, but keeping a good eye on her BP. thomas2013 also joined our group (she is 26 weeks) and is doing well despite having Pyelonephritis - cervical checks are going well. mrsmikey was able to get her 17P shots called in, but hasn't gotten the final OK to start taking them, and has also started to feel movement!

If you'd like to address a question to the group, please feel free to page or PM me.

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Re: Pregnant (& TTC) After Preemie Check-in!

  • Sorry I'm late with this today, DH has been working some funky hours in the last couple of weeks and I keep forgetting what day it is. I seriously spent like 80% of yesterday thinking it was Saturday...

    Anyway, no real news here, still feeling much less anxious since my chat with the midwife. I'm also getting really good at finding the baby's heartbeat with the doppler, and have been feeling him/her moving. I've actually been feeling movement for a couple weeks, but it was always that "is it? could it be?" kind of the past week it's been DEFINITE. I actually felt the baby outside on my hand a few days ago (not like a kick, though, more like just a vibration, like when someone makes ripples underwater and you feel them). LOVING it! I have my next appt the 4th and I'll have my first GTT test and schedule my big u/s!

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  • I had an appointment with my high risk doctor on Tuesday. My cervix is holding steady at 4 1/2 cm. The doctor said he doesn't need to do another cervical check. He wants to see me back at 32 weeks to look at the baby. I will be 25 weeks tomorrow so I don't go back to him for another 7 weeks. I do have an appointment with my ob on April 12th so at least I will be seen before then. Everything is going well.
    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
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  • Shannon I sent you an PM.



  • I am now 26 weeks along! Excited but nervous b/c this is when I had DS. Next week I have an appt to have an U/S and amniotic fluid check. I feel confident DD is moving and groving and at my last appt she was messuring 5 days ahead.
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  • ijackijack member

    I finally have an update!!!

    U/s went well today - we're pretty sure #2 is another girl. She kept her legs crossed the entire time, but we got one shot that looks girl-ish (tech won't call it, but I am). Cervix is still looking good, fibroid is right next to my placenta which sucks, but it's not that big and hopefully won't cause any problems. Baby is measuring on the smaller side, but since I'm only 20w they don't yet know if it's just a small baby or an issue. I'll have u/s at 28, 32 and 36. I can't believe I have to go 2 months without an u/s!! 

    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
  • Not sure if I just reply to this to be "added" to the list but

    "mia"- #1 DD CJ, born at 23 weeks 6 days due to severe pre-e, #2 due Oct 23, 2011

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  • Can I join? ;0)

    This is baby #3 for us.  I had preemie twins 2.5 years ago at 31 weeks gestation.  No one can tell me for sure wether they were early because they were twins or because of my body.  I was in PTL for 4 weeks before they were born, hospitalized for a week during that time.  I am so anxious about having another preemie.  Our time in the NICU was the worst time of my life.  We were blessed with healthy preemies but 5 weeks and 3 separate NICU's (due to bed shortages) was just too much.  So far the only plan for this pregnancy was to get to 12 weeks (done! yay!) so at my next appointment I'll ask what the plan will be for monitoring and ultrasounds this time.   Hoping for a full term baby this time :0)

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