What do you think of Dylan and Madelyn as sibling names? Do they sound too similar? DS is Dylan and DD's name (Amaya Sophia) is pretty much set in stone so I guess it doesn't really matter right now, but I'm trying to ignore bigger problems so I thought I'd ask for your advice on this non-issue
Madelyn Jane has always been our 2nd favorite girl's name and it occurred to me the other day that Madelyn and Dylan sound way too similar, so now I'm thinking that I'll never get to use Madelyn, and that kinda makes me sad
I guess we could always spell it differently (Madeline/Madeleine) so it's pronounced with a long "I" at the end, but I don't like that as much.
So what do you think? Yea or nay?
Re: Sibset: Dylan & Madelyn?
Madeline is typically pronounced with a short "i" (I am pretty sure it's one of those names that can go either way on pronunciation). I am not a fan of the added y (could be wrong but I am pretty sure that is not the original spelling even for the pronunciation you are looking for).
I think Dylan, Amaya, and Madeline sound nice together.
I know what you mean about Madelyn not being the original spelling (and usually I can't stand cre8tive spellings) but in this case I thought Madelyn had become common enough to keep it out of that category. Maybe it's stupid but I really liked that all 3 names would have a "y" in them but not be super matchy-matchy. Until I realized that Madelyn/Madeline (pronounced MA-dih-linn) is basically Dylan with an extra syllable and is thus WAY too matchy-matchy.
Using Madeline would be more traditional, but would break my -y pattern and wouldn't solve the rhyming issue
Okay, I see what you mean about Madeline being like Dylan regardless of spelling. I would probably cross the name off the list, then.