Thank you so much! To be honest, that tie dye is UGLY, but it will be super fuctional and it is so soft. Which is what I expect out of a diaper.
Thanks for the GM too. I am excited to try one.
And the fleece liners will be handy since I'm pretty sure all the ones I've made previously disappeared.
Thanks again!!
Re: Yankee!!!
Lol, you picked it out! Never one of my faves but I ended up with 4 of them in a grab bag from MS. They are incredible absorbent.
Glad you liked it! Enjoy
Oh I know I picked it. I was just secretly hoping it photographed badly. ;-) They are my favorite overnights and really needed one more so thanks for the opportunity.
I feel fortunate to have gotten some cute prints in my grab bag then!
I am terrible at taking pictures but nope, that's the color. I have some others I need to list when I get my toddler fits in two weeks so I'll let you know what prints I have before I list them.
Thanks! and don't forget the feedback:)