We've always read to DS before he goes to bed... and up until about a month ago he'd be perfectly happy in my lap while DH reads to him (he's never let us hold him and the book - he tries to shut the book and rip it). Now he wont sit still and starts crabbing. He doesn't need the story to fall asleep, but I like that he gets to hear some reading (although we read to him a lot during the day). Any suggestions to help him enjoy his bedtime story? I'm hoping this is a phase!
Re: Anyone else's LO not allow them to read a bedtime story?
that's what I was thinking too - but he goes down around 7 and usually talks for about 10-15 minutes before sleeping. I figured if he was tired he wouldn't talk. Maybe I'm wrong. We'll try a few things and see I guess.
Ugh, DS rips the pages out of books too - it's driving me nuts. "One Fish Two Fish" has been taped together so many times already.
this is dd, minus the goat part
she has a shelf she can access where her books are. she likes to play with them and flip the pages herself but if i try and read one to her she flips out.
Ha ha! That's what we say about Preston too!
DS reads the book to me every night- he's advanced
I've already started collecting all the Dr. Seuss books (I loved him growing up) but I won't even let DD see them. They're up high on a shelf and we'll get to those when she's older. I only do board books for now, regular ones aren't worth the effort.
As far as the OP, DD will not let us read at night. As soon as she's changed, if she's not on the boob within 10 seconds, she freaks. I'm hoping to change that habit once she's weaned, instead of nursing, we'll read.