I'm sorry if this is beating a dead horse, but I posted a link to the new AAP suggestions on facebook, and I got all kinds of irritated responses:
I wonder if they've done the research about how many more wrecks parents get into because their kid is screaming in the back seat, rear-facing, and there is nothing they can do to soothe them (or because they're trying to awkwardly hand something back to the toddler)...
no offense, but..ugh...i love ___'s seat and wanted to get ____ into one just like it. and i didnt want to have to buy an "intermediate" one till she's big enough to turn around. i don't want to spend more money.
if you can make it happen (drive with a rear-facing car seat), and still drive
safely, great. It probably depends on the kid. I just don't know that
the research has been done about frequency of accidents with forward and
rear facing car seats (they've only researched how safe it is in the
event of an accident, which isn't the whole story).
Are these good reasons to ignore new safety information? I'm confused.
Re: s/o new car seat regulation suggestions
I'm not trying to start a debate, I just don't think comments like the ones posted are good reasons to ignore relevant safety information, but maybe I'm alone here.
I don't see how the BF/FF debate compares to this. The first involves two perfectly good options for feeding your child, neither which will result in potential death or serious injury.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
HA! apparently. Except that I don't see why people get so worked up about this one.
alrighty then.
i'm off work. i hope this doesn't turn into a debate or flaming-homebird thing because i won't be back on to defend myself for awhile. wait ... i guess that makes it easier for you to flame me then. no fear of response or retaliation, right?
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
Someone posted something about this earlier. I'll try to find the link.
*edited for spelling
med-free birth x2, breastfeeding, baby wearing SAHM
My BFP Chart
med-free birth x2, breastfeeding, baby wearing SAHM
My BFP Chart
I agree. I think the people who commented on FB are just being defensive. They're trying to validate their decision to FF when they did. Another possibility is that some of them didn't even read the article. They think they know what's right so they don't bother with keeping up with new guidelines, even if it's strongly evidence based.
med-free birth x2, breastfeeding, baby wearing SAHM
My BFP Chart
This is flipping ridiculous. I can understand concern over where the hell the legs are supposed to go, cause I often wonder that myself. But when you are driving, you should be DRIVING, regardless of which way the seat is facing. Not handing anything to anyone or reaching back. When DD was a newbie, if she started losing her sh!t, I pulled over. Now... I will try to verbally soothe her, but unless I'm going somewhere super far, I keep on driving until I get wherever I'm going. Part of having kids in the car, is having kids screaming in the car IMO. Trying to touch your LO or pick something up in the backseat while you're driving is distracted driving and it's ILLEGAL.
That's the comment that got my blood boiling the most. Like, how dare they not factor in the fact that you're a sh*tty, distracted driver.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)