I'm not really an avid poster on the bump, but I'm at my wits end and I'm looking for some advice. My 10 month old daughter has started SCREAMING and it's starting to drive me nuts! The screaming is an excited expression, typically when she's trying to get a strangers attention or when she sees other kids or babies in a store, which makes it that much more disruptive and I'm starting to notice the dirty looks from those around us. I've tried ignoring the screaming - didn't seem to make a difference. I've tried sternly telling her NO - doesn't seem to be helping ... but we've just started this, so maybe with some time this is the answer.
Has anyone else had this problem or have a great idea for a way to curb this habit? My parents have told me that it's just a phase, but I don't want to be "that" mom in the store who everyone else is hating on because of my baby's behaviour.
Re: High pitched screaming ... what to do?!
stuff a sock in her mouth.
Can you distract her with something (a toy, book, etc)?
How long does the screaming go on for? I can't imagine most people being too bothered by an excited 10 month old expressing themself. An out of control older child, maybe. I think it's great you're trying to introduce "no", but learning (and respecting) "No" will be a long process. I don't think anyone expects a 10 month old to be perfectly quiet all the time, and if they do they have totally unrealistic expectations. Maybe you're being overly sensitive to the screaming?
Marriage: 12.18.04
DD1: 5.19.10
DD2: 4.11.12

ROTFL...OOOOooo I hope I can get them in a matching color!
I think you could probably describe my DD's happy communciation noise in this same way
. When we are out, I usually just respond to ask her "what's all the noise about" or "ooo, that's so exciting, isn't it", etc. So, yes, she probably does the same thing, but no, I'm not doing much to curb it. We have other things I'd like to address, and I don't think there is too much I can do about this right now at her age.
I like the idea about a whisper squeal - I will be remembering to try that tomorrow!