We are in FL so its getting warmer but dd gets cold so easy.
We wear a onsie pj (with the feet ) (light weight) and then I put on a larger onsie that is made for winter. We call it her blanket. She is still a bit cold in the morning. Her nose is cold. I figure it this way, we use a blanket at night so she can use the bigger warmer onsie pj.
I'm an outfit fanatic, I gotta admit. So I got the summery jammie sets at Target that are little tank tops and two pairs of shorts/longer pants. I also got some footless jammies at Costco. I use all of them with her summer sleep sack by Aden and Anais.
So far it's not that much warmer here. I just put him in a heavier sleeper, onsie and stopped using the sleep sack. Once it's warm, I'll pick up some lightweight sleepers and forgo the onsie. And for the really hot nights, I think I'll get some two piece sleepers w/ shorts and shortsleeves.
So far it's still cool enough at night that I still have DD2 in fleece footed sleepers, but she'll wear cotton footed sleepers in the spring and summer. I do have one set of jammies with shorts and a t-shirt that I used with DD1 for warmer nights before we turned on the a/c, but once we turn on the a/c, the cotton sleepers are perfect.
Emily 11.29.2007 | Kate 4.3.2010 | James 8.22.2013
It is much warmer here so he we rarely put him in full jammies. He is either in a t-shirt, or sleep pants, or just a diaper. He does sleep with a very light blanket as well.
Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader. , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
I'm an outfit fanatic, I gotta admit. So I got the summery jammie sets at Target that are little tank tops and two pairs of shorts/longer pants. I also got some footless jammies at Costco. I use all of them with her summer sleep sack by Aden and Anais.
This but it's not really much warmer here.. We got a bit of snow today..
With the grand inventions of central heat & a/c, we don't really change what he wears, we just adjust the temperature. He usually wears the cotton stretchies from Children's Place or Carter's brand footed pajamas.
Still a bit chilly here, so he wears a onsie, cotton jammies, and a fleece halo sleepsack. I'll probably keep him in a sleepsack all summer, but a cotton one.
It is in the mid 80's here but we have the ac on so we keep it cool and she sleeps in gap long sleeve pajamas with a blanket. (we like it cooler at night)
Re: summertime jammies?
- not warmer here yet.
We are in FL so its getting warmer but dd gets cold so easy.
We wear a onsie pj (with the feet ) (light weight) and then I put on a larger onsie that is made for winter. We call it her blanket. She is still a bit cold in the morning. Her nose is cold. I figure it this way, we use a blanket at night so she can use the bigger warmer onsie pj.
DD is in lightweight sleepers or 2 piece jammies with a t-shirt and leggings. She'll probably be in shorts and t-shirt jammies over the summer months.
So far it's still cool enough at night that I still have DD2 in fleece footed sleepers, but she'll wear cotton footed sleepers in the spring and summer. I do have one set of jammies with shorts and a t-shirt that I used with DD1 for warmer nights before we turned on the a/c, but once we turn on the a/c, the cotton sleepers are perfect.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
This but it's not really much warmer here.. We got a bit of snow today..