March 30th at 7:50. It is a consultation. We decided it was a good idea because he has started to kinda weeze now and it seems like he breaks out whenever he is eating normal table foods.
He is on clariton daily now and his ezcema seems a bit better, but we think it will be the best decision for him.
DH has a bad allergy background.
There goes my vacation money.
Re: Hudson's Allergy Appointment is set
We think that DD has allergies to. Pedi said that if the mom has allergies then its more likely that the baby will too.
What did they say when they booked the apt?
I thought it was to soon to test for allergies??
I am so courious to know what your pedi said about this.
I would love to know what they say when you go.
We are changing out our rugs becuase of my dd allergies.
We went in last week because he has been sick. The Pedi told me his eyes looked fluish, they tested for flu and it was nothing. They think it is allergy related.
I guess they typically start testing when they are around a year, but he could grow out of alot of his allergies. Since we have had ezcema issues since he was 3 months old and it continues, this is also a red flag. We are also eliminating things out of his diet now. He has issues with table foods that have cows milk in them, chocolate, and eggs so far. We try to avoid these foods at all costs now.
We have all hardwood floors in our house. My DCP has carpet and a dog. He started DC when he was about 3 months old.
I just want to figure out what is causing all of his issues. Spring is not going to be fun for us I have a feeling.
DS - 5/2010
DD - 6-2013
TTC #3 - Cycle #9
Although we didn't have ezcema problems, dd is starting the way I did. I had so many to even count when I was little. I am too not looking forward to the food ones. We are still on puree food, stage one and two.
We took DS to the allergist at 7 months (horrible eczema issues as well). He is allergic to milk and eggs. The testing wasn't bad for us at all! He didn't even flinch. I am so glad we did it, because now we know what can be triggers for him. Also, the allergist gave us some really good prescription creams that have worked wonders! Definitely a great decision for us!
Also, milk and eggs are both things he will probably outgrow.