We don't plan on having another baby for 3-4 more years, so what do you do with all the un-used baby stuff?
ie- swing, jumper, exersaucer, baby toys (rattles, etc.)- he doesn't play/use any of this anymore & we don't have anywhere to store it.
Most of the stuff came from the baby shower, & it's still almost brand new. My husband says to get rid of it & we will get new when we have another baby, but I can't see getting rid of it when it is in such good shape & already payed for.
Re: What do you do with all the stuff?!
I'm torn about this too. We have no room for extra stuff and we'll be moving soon. I'm thinking about getting rid of everything except for the stuff that is gender neutural. In that case, we'd get rid of the exercaucer and swing because they are pink, but keep the travel crib and so on.
We may not even have another at all. We will re-evaluate in five years.
I am giving the gender neutral stuff to my younger sister as she is due next month with a little girl. The rest is being stored in our attic for the next one. I did keep a lot of boys stuff that I love just incase we have another boy.
But if we dont there is a great mommy organization called Moses House that I am going to donate too. They assist Young Moms who have been abandoned by thier families. They set them up with a family who will care for them until the baby arrives, they help them graduate high school, and then set them up with an apartment of their own when they are ready. Its a great program.
med-free birth x2, breastfeeding, baby wearing SAHM
My BFP Chart
I washed down everything and packed it up. The swing and bouncer seat covers are in a store bin and all the big things are covered in plastic.
I will use everything I can for the next kid. When I am done having kids, I will donate or sell it all then.
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
We are hoping to have another baby next year, so we're storing everything. We've lent out a few things to friends who had a baby last fall, and we've offered them to other friends expecting twins this summer, but most things have had to be stored. I keep outgrown clothes in Rubbermaid containers in the attic, and the bassinet, bouncer, swing, and playmat are in DD1's walk-in closet since her little clothes don't fill it up yet! We kept the box for our jumperoo, so we break it down and store it in the attic. Right now the friends with the fall baby have our exersaucer and some clothes.
I wouldn't want to get rid of everything since we'll need it later, and even when we're finished with it, we'll offer it to our siblings who are just getting ready to start having kids. I'm sure a lot of it will end up at my parents' beach house for when my siblings eventually start bringing their own babies.
We're storing everything for the next, but we're hoping it will be within the year. Between big DD and little DD, I lost most of the 'stuff' as I split with my ex and just walked away with what was in our suitcases. So we had to buy all the big stuff again, but I stored all (6 years worth) of big DD's clothes at my mum and dad's. It came in really handy this time around.
If you feel you won't need everything you have, get rid of a couple pieces. Or lend them to friends who need them but make sure you get them back.
3 to 4 years is a long time to hang on to a lot of stuff. I'm open to using preowned items, so I'd probably sell my stuff, then buy 2nd hand when the next baby comes around. generally speaking, I like to use current models of baby toys & baby gear.