I stay at home with DD....it didn't make financial sense for me to go back to work. With the cost of gas, day care etc.....there would not be much left over for bills etc.
I pretty much SAH. I teach twice a week for two hours each time...So basically I'm home most of the time. It's because I want to teach more than because we need extra money (I make less than $600 a month, so I'm not helping out much ).
I am a full time working mother. I work non-consistant hours and hardly have any weekends off. DH also works full time and has non-consistant hours and weird days off.
I am currently looking for a different job that has "bankers hours" and weekends off so I can spend more time with Hudson. The origional plan was for DH to find a job making about 15k more so I could be a SAHM. I've given up hope on him, so I am now searching myself.
I work full time M-F. I get to work from home Mondays and Fridays which is nice. Instead of dropping son of at 7 am at MIL's like I do on T, W and Thurs I get to spend morning with him. My sitter arrives at 9 so I get to spend 6 to 9 with son which is so huge, plus I take a half hour break at lunch to play with him.
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I get a year of mat.leave so will be returning back to work in June. I will be working FT monday-friday 8:30am-4:30pm with weekends off. I will miss DD but am so grateful to have the opportunity to spend a full year with her before returning to work = )
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I am a SAHM, but I am also in the Reserves so I do the whole weekend thing and two weeks a year. Of course there is a chance of me getting activated which I hope won't happen until DD is a little older and I can explain.
I stay at home. It didn't make sense for me to go back to work. The cost of daycare is so expensive in our area that I wouldn't have brought much home after paying for that. I do help DH out with his business when he needs it.
I get a year of mat.leave so will be returning back to work in June. I will be working FT monday-friday 8:30am-4:30pm with weekends off. I will miss DD but am so grateful to have the opportunity to spend a full year with her before returning to work = )
That is awesome- do you mind me asking what you do for a living?! So jealous!
To the op- I work full time m-f 8am-4:30pm & my husband works m-f 7am-5:30pm or later. I drop my ds off to my mom m-f @ 7am & pick him up at 5pm! IT SUCKS! But I am glad I have free grandma childcare...
I work Full Time monday- friday 7am-4pm (sometimes 5pm). My girls go to daycare. I work because we need two paychecks to live the way we do. We are lucky enough to not have to stress at this time over money and bills. I know anything can change at any moment so i am grateful that we both have jobs, our children have a home, food and everything else they may need. I do miss them while i am at work and the evenings seem very short but they are getting lots of love at their nanas house. She is like a 2nd grandma to them and like a 2nd mom to me. This works for our family! There are days though that i wish i worked part-time and stayed at home with them. My job is really felixble so i was able to bring both of them to work with me when they were newborns and i will get to bring DD1 with me next year and then leave in the am to take her to school. I dont get in trouble when i have to leave to get my girls, or appts or if i have to stay home when they are sick. So i am grateful for the flexibility in my job!
I work part to full time. I work about 32 hrs a week. I am trying to find a way to stay home because we recently lost our sitter and I definitely want to be home with him. Problem is I have to find a way to bring in about $250-$300 a week. Trying to make all of this work.
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SAH and work about 10 hours a week at night. I was working full time, but I didn't make much. I would be working just to afford daycare basically, which seemed pointless.
Not to start a debate, but I haven't missed a single"first" or milestone with DS, even though I work. He stood for the first time at DCP's house, but he had been pulling himself up for weeks, so I don't feel like I missed that at all.
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
My favorite money saving tip: I've earned more than $300 in gift cards (Amazon, Starbucks, Southwest!) using SwagBucks for internet searching - and you can too!
It's FREE and EASY!
Not to start a debate, but I haven't missed a single"first" or milestone with DS, even though I work. He stood for the first time at DCP's house, but he had been pulling himself up for weeks, so I don't feel like I missed that at all.
I agree I haven't missed any firsts.
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I work full time and HATE IT!! I miss so much of my son's life and my husband spends so much time with him that a lot of times my son will cry if I pick him up and not daddy! It makes me sad I know he's not doing it on purpose, but I wish that he knew me as well as his daddy
I stay at home and LOVE every minute of it..but I can see why its not for some people. We have made some scarifices but nothing to drastic....I am a licensed esthetician and we are making me an in home studio and I have started booking facials to do out of the house.....I have 18 booked for April already....so its been going great!
Not to start a debate, but I haven't missed a single"first" or milestone with DS, even though I work. He stood for the first time at DCP's house, but he had been pulling himself up for weeks, so I don't feel like I missed that at all.
I SAH and last night I missed him crawling for the first time. I went out with some friends and left him at home with DH (who works 50 hours a week). DS got up on all fours and crawled like it was nothing. The first time I saw him do it was this morning, and all the excitement and enjoyment was still there for me.
Re: How many mommies...
My Blog
Work part time (32 hours/week). Hoping it will turn into full time.
Going to grad school in the Fall though, so I hope to get more time with LO then.
SAH because I didn't want to miss her firsts.
We had to make some sacrifices but we're happy with our decision.
I am a full time working mother. I work non-consistant hours and hardly have any weekends off. DH also works full time and has non-consistant hours and weird days off.
I am currently looking for a different job that has "bankers hours" and weekends off so I can spend more time with Hudson. The origional plan was for DH to find a job making about 15k more so I could be a SAHM. I've given up hope on him, so I am now searching myself.
DS - 5/2010
DD - 6-2013
TTC #3 - Cycle #9
Just courious...you were able to collect unemployment?
I work at home so I get to save $ on gas, clothes and daycare, but bring in a full-time paycheck. It's the best of both worlds.
I would LOVE to work from home....just have not found out how
DS - 5/2010
DD - 6-2013
TTC #3 - Cycle #9
That is awesome- do you mind me asking what you do for a living?! So jealous!
To the op- I work full time m-f 8am-4:30pm & my husband works m-f 7am-5:30pm or later. I drop my ds off to my mom m-f @ 7am & pick him up at 5pm! IT SUCKS! But I am glad I have free grandma childcare...
I work part to full time. I work about 32 hrs a week. I am trying to find a way to stay home because we recently lost our sitter and I definitely want to be home with him. Problem is I have to find a way to bring in about $250-$300 a week. Trying to make all of this work.
I work FT (40+ hours a week, M-F).
Not to start a debate, but I haven't missed a single"first" or milestone with DS, even though I work. He stood for the first time at DCP's house, but he had been pulling himself up for weeks, so I don't feel like I missed that at all.
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
My favorite money saving tip: I've earned more than $300 in gift cards (Amazon, Starbucks, Southwest!) using SwagBucks for internet searching - and you can too! It's FREE and EASY!
I agree I haven't missed any firsts.
I SAH and last night I missed him crawling for the first time. I went out with some friends and left him at home with DH (who works 50 hours a week). DS got up on all fours and crawled like it was nothing. The first time I saw him do it was this morning, and all the excitement and enjoyment was still there for me.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)