She wanted me to let you all know that her blood test on Thursday was negative. She isn't quite ready to make her way back to the boards. I know she and her DH are crushed.
If you could send your T&Ps their way, I know she would appreciate it.
She and her DH have been TTC for several months. Earlier this month she got a BFP and then she started spotting so she went in and her doctor confirmed a chemical pregnancy. Last week she went in for her yearly exam and they did some blood work and it came back positive; they told her she was indeed pregnant and the spotting she had was implantation. They told her that her due date was 11-11-11. They were thrilled! The next day they got a call from her doc's office saying that for some reason the blood work that was marked positive yesterday was marked negative today, so they had her come back in on Thursday for more blood work. They were devastated again. Thursday's blood work was negative.
Re: Update on MrsJazz
Tell her we are thinking of her!
I still want to punch those damn people for making so many mistakes. It ticks me off
Mikaela is going to have a little brother!
That's really a shame. My T&Ps with her and her husband.
Thank you for the update.
She and her DH have been TTC for several months. Earlier this month she got a BFP and then she started spotting so she went in and her doctor confirmed a chemical pregnancy. Last week she went in for her yearly exam and they did some blood work and it came back positive; they told her she was indeed pregnant and the spotting she had was implantation. They told her that her due date was 11-11-11. They were thrilled! The next day they got a call from her doc's office saying that for some reason the blood work that was marked positive yesterday was marked negative today, so they had her come back in on Thursday for more blood work. They were devastated again. Thursday's blood work was negative.
Yes, her DD is Brylee and she is 11 months I believe. She goes to an on-base doc as her H is in the military.
Awww... Poor Jazz