nap schedule pleaseeeeee share how you did it! It is becoming near impossiable to get DS to take his second nap, even thou he needs it BAD. Do you have any books you recomend? Or methods? If I don't get this under control fast his bday party might be a bust b/c I wouldn't know what time to plan it. Help me if you can please. TIA
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Re: If you have your LO on a
Some kids around this age start transitioning to one nap. Have you tried pushing his AM nap back a bit? So instead of 9 AM, try 11 AM for one long midday nap? It might not be what you want to hear, but it might be a solution.
DS was 18 months before he dropped his AM nap, but I know other kids who were 1 or younger. DD still takes both, but a few times out of necessity we have done 1 nap around lunchtime and she has been fine.
We started from day one with putting her on a routine which made the transition to regular naps really easy. But we have days where she misses her nap or we miss the tired cues and it's rough to get her to lay down. I believe that consistency is key and if you repeat the same routine enough, he'll get the idea and go for his nap. Everytime I put DD down, I carry her the same way up to her room, lay her on her side in my arms, kiss her forehead and then put her in her crib. She knows the difference between going for a nap and going up to her room to play or put away laundry.
DS takes 2 naps around 9 and 1. He sort of set it himself but his sleep pretty much follows the 2-3-4 rule. He goes down for his morning nap 2 hours after he wakes up. Then he goes down for his afternoon nap 3 hours after he wakes up from his morning nap. Four hours later is supposed to be his bedtime, but we usually start his bedtime routine at 6:30 and he's in bed by 7.
I just followed his cues and was consistent about putting him into his crib when it was naptime. We used the Sleepeasy Solution to sleep train. I also used some tips from Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child and the No-Cry Sleep Solution.
Jeanne has been on the same nap schedule since after 6 months. That's when she started STTN. We have a regular daily schedule bc both Shawn and I work. So there is no sleeping in. I get up at 5:30, get myself ready, get Jeanne's stuff ready, wake her about 6:20. She is up till around 8:30. 9:00 is pushing it. I know she is tired because she starts getting fussy and (on the weekend when I am home) she comes put her head on my lap. She naps 2-2.5 hours. She plays from 11-1:30. Then she is again ready for another nap. She naps 2-2.5 hours. She plays from 4-7, then bath time and bed time.
I do still give her sippy cup of milk before she goes lay down for a nap. It's because that's how her routine falls. She gets one at 6:20, then before nap 1, for lunch, before nap2 and then before bed. She drinks her sippy cup, I then bring her to her room, lay her down with her lovey, put on her cover, and leave. She will talk for about 10-15 minutes, then falls asleep.