We've been trying to transition our DS to table food, but he is not having it at all. We've done a few flavors of Gerber puffs, baby mum-mums, and mushed up fruit. Each time he'll put a little in his mouth, he gags and throws up. He'll eat Stage 3 baby food no problem, but anything else seems to upset his gag reflex horribly. If it were a little spit up, I wouldn't be too concerned, but each time, he throws up a good amount, and then he refuses to try again (for obvious reasons).
Has anyone else had this happen? Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!
Re: Not eating solid foods?
May I ask what type of food you mixed with the baby food? We mashed up some bananas in some baby food, and it worked OK, but he still spit up some. Maybe real bananas aren't his favorite.
I'm not sure what little crunchies are - could I find them at a grocery store?
Whoops, sorry, should've googled first! I've seen those but always thought we'd have to wait until he was a little older before trying them.
I have the opposite problem. DD will ONLY eat food she can pick up with her hands. Started about a month ago.
Are you feeding you LO store-bought food? Or homemade baby purees? Just asking because maybe the taste of the store-bought is really different from the stuff you're trying to feed him? Just a theory. I made all DD's baby food so when she graduated to wanting to pick up her own food, it didn't taste that much different from what she was already eating...
Eleanor Noelle - 18/05/12 Claire Elisabeth - 16/-5/10