Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Dr. visit update

Aiden has a double ear infection :(  The weird thing is that this wasn't one of the things we brought him for!  He has a cough and has had a fever, vomiting and diarrhea over the past few days.  We brought him mostly for the cough but the doctor found both ears were infected but the cough was nothing.  As for the missing escape key, she said to watch for it in the next couple days because it won't show up on an xray :-p
Formerly known as elmoali :)


Re: Dr. visit update

  • Booooooo :( DD also had a double infection and she was right as rain after just a few doses of her antibiotic. Hope your DS is feeling better soon!
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  • Aw, bless his little heart. Good thing you went in! I hope he feels better soon! There's no escape from kids swallowing things. Dang. I know there's a joke in there, I just can't make it work. Wink Seriously, I do hope he didn't swallow it. I hope it fell down a floor vent or is under the rug or something. Did the pedi seem concerned about the sharp corners?
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    i hope that if he did swallow the key, it makes a quick escape!


    And I hope he feels better ASAP. DD is dealing with an ear infection and bronchiolitis right now and it sucks!  Sad



  • Har har everyone :-p  The doctor didn't ask about the corners but luckily our keys have rounded edges.  She did say that if he starts to vomit or his poop is bloody that we have to get to the ER right away but she didn't think it was probably a huge deal.  I honestly don't think he ate it because he tends to spit out veggies and fruit that aren't cooked soft enough :)  I'm guessing he palmed it and hid it and hopefully we'll come across it.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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