Ugh. We just noticed that the escape key is missing from our laptop. Aiden's obsessed with the keyboard and we try to keep it out of reach but it appears at some point he got his hands on it. Now we're worried he swallowed it because we can't find it. We have an appointment today at the pedi because of the virus he's been fighting and I'm guessing I should mention the possibly ingested keyboard key, huh? God, they're going to think we're awesome *eyeroll*
Formerly known as elmoali

Re: We're dealing with our "worst parent" moment
Too soon lady, too soon. J/k :-p The thing is, I don't even know if he swallowed it! For all I know he palmed it and hid it somewhere. But better safe than sorry so we'll mention it while we're there.
This happened to me but it was something far worse!
From my experience it was a waist of x ray and ct scan and I am actually quite mad about it. They scared the crap out of me and then another doc came in and said oh they never do anything but let it pass.
So to save you the troubles of what I went through, let it pass. Its just like swallowing a grape???
And they told me 3ish days and if it hadn't passed then its time to worry.
GL!!! Don't beat yourself up!
LO also took the key off of my laptop too, the number five key. he didn't swallow it though, i ended up finding it days later under the couch. but good luck at the appointment!