
the one time you could say, "they're not twins" - LIP

*I must say that it kind of drives me nuts that she tries to call her kids some form of twins when they're not (not any more than someone that did IVF at different times from the same batch, but whatever), but she is the rare instance that would have 2 so close in age, but still say, "they're not twins", though really, how fast would that get old, to have to correct every.single.person



Re: the one time you could say, "they're not twins" - LIP

  • Content no longer available. :( What was the gist?
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • imagemacchiatto:
    Content no longer available. :( What was the gist?

    Woman used 2 surrogates (single embryo transfer) so she'd ave a higher chance of a successful cycle w/o the added risk of twins.  They both got pg and the babies were born 5 days apart b/g.  She calls them "twiblings" b/c they're siblings close in age but not quite twins.  They were all on Today back in January.  They used donor eggs, 2 surrogates, and the husbands sperm. 

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  • I started watching a minute or so in, when the dad was talking, and I thought he was gay and he had a baby with his partner.  I guess he isn't gay.  I was way off.  ;)

    Definitely not twins.  And "twiblings" sounds stupid.


    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I agree..."twiblings"?  Cheese.

    Also, it bothered me that the article claimed they "implanted" the embryos into the surrogates...yeah, no they didn't!

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