I'm trying, I really am. This morning I tried keeping quiet when she bit, but she just kept biting harder and harder each time. Then I tried diverting by giving her a teether to bite. She'd do it but then push it away and want to nurse.... where she'd bite down again after a few moments. I continued with the teether until it made her so mad she started crying and refusing the breast altogether. So I switched sides and after a few hard nips she continued without biting.
Is this typical? I keep reading that not making a commotion about it will make her stop but it didn't, it made it worse. I tried diverting but that made her mad. How long does this biting stage last?
She has had her two teeth for months, since October so it's not like she's trying out her new chompers. And quite frankly if it's due to teething pain, and then her new teeth come in, is she going to want to test those puppies out on me too?? AAAH.
I just do not know what to do.
Re: Talk to me (more) about biting while nursing please
But what if she keeps doing it? Like, just keep setting her down for 15 minutes? This could take all afternoon!
DD will still nip once in a while and I always yelp and pull her back. If she does it twice in one nursing session, it's over. I figure, if she's biting, she's not interested in nursing. She knows how to nurse and if she's not doing that, then she's probably not interested.
She hasn't had BM in five hours. She ate solids at 12:30pm and it's now 4:30pm. I tried to nurse her at 3pm and she was very halfhearted about it, and then bit me so I pulled her off and gave it ten minutes. She bit me again so we all went for a walk. I just tried now and she drew blood. I just don't know what to do because five hours is a long time.
I think I'm done. Now for a post about how to wean.
I'm sorry you're still struggling with the biting. It may be a good idea to wait until she is good and hungry (my DD can go quite a while without BF, in fact she rarely cries/asks to nurse anymore), maybe she will bite less if she really wants to eat. I definitely got bruised, red and had a little blood a couple times. I guess I was too chicken to stop, and she was much younger, 8 months old or so. I definitely didn't want to be anxious about feeding her, didn't want it to be a battle every time. If it continued to be so, I probably would have gotten more serious about stopping. It's too hard to dread feeding your child.
Good luck, and whatever you do, you will make it the best for both of you.
She bites throughout the nursing session. She'll, on good sessions, have a nice long middle with no bites but there are bites in the beginning, bites in the middle throughout, and bites and the end that make me stop the session altogether.
I pulled her off after the blood came and then pumped. It's bottles of BM for the next month, then cow's milk. I've made up my mind. I can't do this anymore. I don't want to dread nursing. I have only three full days a week with her and I don't want them ruined with anxiety and tears (on both our parts).
I know it could be a nursing strike but she's nursed for shorter and shorter durations over the past few weeks (like 20 minutes down to 10 at the best), and the biting has increased whereas the desire to actually nurse has decreased. So I'm going with my gut and we're weaning from the boob, and in a month from BM altogether.