Well, I already know what I want in my baby's room. I definitely want 'all white' furniture, cause it would look great with my beige walls. Target rules. I'm almost 8 weeks, and wish I could get everything NOW! I even started a baby registry, but noone can see it till I'm about 5 months. Cause I figured baby showers don't happen until you're about 6 months pregnant. (I always think back to the show KENDRA) and my friend's showers. I did get a little overwhelmed as soon as I saw the little things (bottles, pacifiers, diapers, breastfeeding stuff, etc..) But, I know that will come easier when I am actually at the store scanning my "MUST HAVE" list. Glad I picked out the furniture stuff already. Hoping alot of family members will pitch in for that. When should I go to the store and scan? I definitely need to go with a friend or my mom. I need to prepare so I don't stress about it later. I thought planning a wedding was hard! LOLOLOLOL
Re: When to get baby furniture?
I am very superstitious so I dont really want to get baby furniture until at least 6 months. I wish I could buy it after the baby was born, but that isnt very realistic.
however, I admit to being crazy and I will probably change my mind. It is probably best to shop along the way to stop a huge outpouring of money and to get the best sales.
I dont think you need to go scan bottles or diaper genies until 6 months at least - but right now, it is good to rese(arch. There are a few books out there - one is called Baby Bargains (I think) so you might want to focus your attention there for now.
It depends on where you get it....If you go with one of the brands from baby bargains they take a while to come in. I ordered my furniture for DD when I was 21 weeks. The dresser came around 35 weeks and the crib when she was a month old.( And I went past my due date!)
I know how you feel! I am starting to get excited about the prospect of redoing our guest room, choosing paint colours, buying furniture, etc. I just am too nervous to start anything TOO soon.
I'm going to wait until July (I'm a teacher so vacation time!) to start doing anything baby related....just in case!
We haven't told anyone either - hoping to hold out until after our ultrasound on April 20th....maybe tell the family at Easter!
So much WAITING....but it will be worth it I KNOW!
Looking forward to LO#2 - much easier to conceive this time - just taking Metformin and BAM!
Mom to Ryan, born 10/21/11 after 2 years of trying and 3 rounds of Clomid!
My little CHD warrior. Born 9/29/11. Got his new heart 10/20/11
BLOG :] & Shaping Up
Caleb Jonathan
Born November 30, 2011
The Winking of an Eye
A blog about the mommyhood, wifehood and lifehood of a misplaced Minnesotan in SoCal
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We're going to start buying furniture in a month or so and I'm almost 8 weeks. We know we want to have the room and everything we need by 7 months because you just never know when the baby will actually come. This was advice I got from my mom and MIL who both had pretty early babies.
Also, in Spain people don't do baby showers so I'm not expecting gifts (I know, you're never supposed to expect gifts, but you know what I mean) until after the baby is born/the baptism if we have one. They think it's a bad idea to give gifts before the baby is born in case the baby dies or something happens. :S
Absolutely use Baby Bargains before making purchases/registering! It'll help save you from buying crap.
Something may have a good customer rating when you look at it online, but when you look it up in the book, it may actually not be very good (bad customer service, cheap products, etc).
This for sure!
Also, I'm waiting until I know if it's a boy or a girl, because if it's a boy I want dark wood furniture, and if it's a girl, I want white furniture.
I registered at 21 wks and am still overwhelmed with what I actually need. I know I will add/delete make changes often. I try to research,get opinions,etc. I agree with the person who said take someone with you that is a newer mom or very experienced. It helps a ton! I have pretty much picked out my furniture and will probably order it around 7 months. I believe the set I want comes in fairly quick. I know some take awhile. I was also a little superstitious about buying too early but just recently started to buy a few cute clothing items that were on sale. It helps too to wait if you are planning on finding out the gender.
Good luck!
Im planning on buying my brib and nursery furniture myself and probably will start buying in a couple of months. We won't have a spare room until next year so we gotta start figuring out how we're going to fit a crib and changing table in our room.
but i do plan on buying white furniture to match the rest of the room
I plan on getting a convertible crib (and using the full bed stage until I'm 7 months or so), a bookcase the height of a changing table, a rocking chair that matches my living room/bedroom furniture, and I already have a dresser and chest (my hope chest, will become toy chest when the baby is crawling). This way, until I'm heavily pregnant, I have a fully furnished guest bedroom AND all the nursery furniture. And my kid's room would have adequate furniture until he/she moves out (aside from a desk and additional bookcases.) Only thing I'd need to buy, furniture wise, would be a changing table converter to plop on top of the bookcase.
So... If you have a room for a nursery, go ahead and buy the furniture that can be grown-up appropriate too.
ETA: Sorry, didn't check date.