
Update on T&P please

Billy did well yesterday at the EGD. He had a hard time waking up and cried the entire time he was in recovery. I think that was harder on mom and dad than it was on him. We had a scare when we got home because he started having chills and running a fever. We had to call into the dr because it was one of the symptoms you had to report. 

He stopped having chills and the fever went down. He is doing well today.

From the Drs look inside he put him on Prevacid and we will know the results in two weeks about lactose intolerance and if he has Celiac disease.

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers, we really appreciate it. This is such a great group of girls.  

TTC since 7/06, found out about PCOS on 8/31/06 Dec.2007~ Metformin 1500mg, prenatals, Femara 2.5mg)(cd3-7), Gonal F 100iu(cd5-?) and Ovidrel with TI. DH~ antibiotics to improve motility (cd1-10)
Beta #1 15dpo 298, Beta #2 18dpo 1048
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Re: Update on T&P please

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