My husband has an older son with an ex. His ex has three other kids, as well. I'm just curious what you think of both the sib sets.
My husband's son & our 3 kids: Tyler James, Liam Russell, Briegan Natalie, & Owen Alexander
My husband's son & his ex's 3 kids: Tyler James, Mariah Jade, Alyssa Sordia, & Isaiah David
BTW: Tyler James was going to be Nevaeh Marie if he was a girl. My husband's ex picked out the names by herself. My husband hates Nevaeh.
Re: Thoughts On Sib Sets
I think all seven names "go" together. The one that is most "not like the others" is Briegan, but it's not remarkably different. I think both sets work
I'm glad the ex figured out that Nevaeh sucks before she had her two daughters.
To me the two outliers are Alyssa and Briegan (and I find them the least complementary with each other as well). Overall, I think they are all solid nice names that "go together".