Baby Names

Thoughts On Sib Sets

My husband has an older son with an ex.  His ex has three other kids, as well.  I'm just curious what you think of both the sib sets.

My husband's son & our 3 kids: Tyler James, Liam Russell, Briegan Natalie, & Owen Alexander

My husband's son & his ex's 3 kids: Tyler James, Mariah Jade, Alyssa Sordia, & Isaiah David

BTW: Tyler James was going to be Nevaeh Marie if he was a girl.  My husband's ex picked out the names by herself.  My husband hates Nevaeh.

-Julia, Mom to Liam Russell, Briegan Natalie, & Owen Alexander-

Re: Thoughts On Sib Sets

  • I think all seven names "go" together. The one that is most "not like the others" is Briegan, but it's not remarkably different. I think both sets work

    I'm glad the ex figured out that Nevaeh sucks before she had her two daughters.  

  • imageHannahO28:

    I think all seven names "go" together. The one that is most "not like the others" is Briegan, but it's not remarkably different. I think both sets work

    I'm glad the ex figured out that Nevaeh sucks before she had her two daughters.  


    To me the two outliers are Alyssa and Briegan (and I find them the least complementary with each other as well).  Overall, I think they are all solid nice names that "go together".

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  • The only one that really stands out to me is Briegan. 
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