My SD's got completely unrestricted cell phones when they were 12. It was too early IMO without some type of restrictions.
My kids will get cell phones when they need to call me from after-school activities and there is no access to a pay phone. So probably middle schoolish. They will be very limited/restricted.
For me its dependent on my kids maturity, what sort of activities they are doing that causes them to be away from home more where I'd need to get a hold of them, and our schedules.
Maybe between 8 and 18?? Not sure exactly when....I figure when my kids are asking about it often, and I see a need for more than talking to their friends, then i'll consider it.
I think that when my kids are old enough to go places alone where they need a cell phone, like the mall or movies, then I will give them one. I'm hoping they still have fireflies or something like that around then so that I can control things a bit.
I don't have a magic age yet. I think I will just know when we are there! I sub for HS and holy moly everyone has a smart phone!! Its quite distracting!
My brother, who is 21 now, got his at 10. He was a very active and social kid and was always at friends' houses, so it worked out well. He was responsible, though, so that helped.
My kids are years away from it but my bro got both of his DS's cells at age 12 or 13 - it was at the age when they started attending a trillio Bar/Bat Mitzvah parties and would get dropped off from the party. They always had set times that they would be picked up but if they ever wanted to leave early or just needed to reach their parents, the cells phones were great to have. They were only allowed to be used for things like this, school policy is all cells need to be off and stored in the locker at all times during school hours. My bros DD got hers a little earlier than her older brothers but only because my bro and ex SIL got a divorce and my brother wanted to be able to reach his DD anytime without having to go through his ex and vice cersa (nasty divorce). I think she was 10 or 11 at the time.
Re: cell phones & DC
My SD's got completely unrestricted cell phones when they were 12. It was too early IMO without some type of restrictions.
My kids will get cell phones when they need to call me from after-school activities and there is no access to a pay phone. So probably middle schoolish. They will be very limited/restricted.
I'm not putting a number on it..
For me its dependent on my kids maturity, what sort of activities they are doing that causes them to be away from home more where I'd need to get a hold of them, and our schedules.
Maybe between 8 and 18?? Not sure exactly when....I figure when my kids are asking about it often, and I see a need for more than talking to their friends, then i'll consider it.
Here is a somewhat similar post on School Age, not sure if you saw it.
I don't have a magic age yet. I think I will just know when we are there! I sub for HS and holy moly everyone has a smart phone!! Its quite distracting!