So in a nutshell, I was supposed to go in Sunday for an u/s, likely get triggered, and have an IUI today. Instead Friday night, I had tons of wacky ovarian pain for over 12 hours, and so went in Saturday am, had an u/s, they found 2 decent follies, and triggered me. One was on the small end (17mm) and one on the large end of their ideal range for when on Femara (24mm). So we did the IUI on Sunday. DH had 19.5M good swimmers, so that was good, apparently our office likes to see 12M.
Today was supposed to be a routine u/s to confirm that I O'd. But this is me.
So, in my right ovary, she found something 14mm and something 26mm. Huh? Fortunately my normal nurse was there (LOVE her), and she told me that what she thinks happened is that I have released 2 eggs, and that the 17mm one likely grew its extra mm to the mature 18mm size, released, and the remained corpus luteum did it's "typical" shrink down and that 14mm seems right. Then she said what her experience tells her is likely, is that my 24mm follie released an egg and instead of shrinking down, the CL can fill with fluid instead of shrinking down, and so it then appears even bigger on the u/s the next day. Weird.
Her confidence in this comes from being really sure that the massive hCG trigger would have indeed triggered O. I guess we will know tomorrow afternoon when we get the progesterone numbers back, and will decide whether to start the luteal hCG microinjections tomorrow evening (instead of the morning as planned).
Nothing is really lining up for us here. So I'm 1dpIUI, but don't know if I'm 1dpo or not. It's gonna be a long 2 weeks. Especially since I'm not cleared to POAS until 17dpiui. Are they kidding??
I have a bunch of internet cheapies that I used to clear out the hCG last month, and it was *clear* by 14dpo that there was nothing going on.
I'm so scared we wasted our one IUI on a stoopid non-lined up cycle with no follies right smack where I wanted to see them.
Thanks for letting me get all of this out there.
Re: B/c it's me, what should be easy, isn't (re my IUI)
It *is* tough, and people not in this boat just can't get it. Gah, I hope you didn't trigger a cyst, that would they have a way to tell a cyst from a follie other than by its size? I'm still holding out hope for you because of my 12dpo BFN that turned into DS.
It's prog they drew today, and then when she calls me with the results, if they confirm O, then we'll be scheduling a 7 or 8 dpo prog draw, too. Can you tell me what they will be looking for, what will that tell me? I also had one drawn on cd8 (because I was in for a DHEA/testosterone draw that day to see if we'd finally gotten my DHEA up to a therapeutic level) and they said they'd just use that as a baseline.
Hang in there!
Right there with you Choirgirl, I'm sure I have 'problem patient' stamped on my profile at my office b/c undoubtedly when something should go smoothly it doesn't.
If your nurse feels as though you definitely ovulated then I would try to find some peace in that and hope for the best. Maybe if you are still worried about it in a day call to speak with your RE. They are getting paid A LOT of money (insurance or not) and should be there to calm your concerns and educate you about your situation when you need it. Good luck!
DD: Harper (11/27/2011)
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!