
My patience is >< this thin!

My 14 mo is sick and whiny.

My 3 year old has not napped and is a whiny mess.

My 5 year keeps picking on my 3 year old.

My mother was suppose to be here at 6pm but her flight was cancelled and is running behind.   (Not made at her!)

Uggg, I am tempted to find a beverage barn that sells wine in the drive thru (putting hopefully the two boys asleep in the process!!!) 

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Re: My patience is >< this thin!

  • I'm in the thin patience club tonight too! I was supposed to go to a surprise party, but my aunt who was going to babysit is sick. It's been a rough week and I was really looking forward to getting out. Oh well.

    I hope your mom gets in soon! and breathe!

  • Go for the wine!  I finished off our last bottle.  I need more.  Think I can con DH into going out.  DS is whiny and slightly sick (or just runny nose).  The girls are exhausted from a crazy day and spoiled (already) by my mom being here.  I'm working all day tomorrow or I'd be drinking more.  As it is, I've had 2 glasses of wine, but I would love much more...and much stronger.  :-)
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  • I am about to lose my mind on my kiddos!
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