Hi - my girls are all over the place right now in terms of a schedule. Things have been hectic in our house - I had surgery and was in the hospital for 5 days. From the time I got home, I will have to go about a month without taking care of them in order to recover from my surgery. My parents are over every day helping out and I think with everything going on, it's been tough for things to be routine. My girls are even starting to skip a morning nap sometimes and I feel like they are a little young for that.
Could you let me know what your schedule is? Maybe seeing what everyone else is doing will help me to figure out a better plan and structure. Thanks!
Re: 11 Month schedule (naps & feeding)?
Here's what we do:
8:30/9 wake up and bottle
10ish breakfast
11ish nap for 60-90 mins
12:30ish lunch
3:30ish bottle then nap for 60-90 mins
6 dinner
8 bottle and bed
Our schedule is like this:
7:00: wake up, eat 6 oz bottle
8:45: eat breakfast
9:30: Nap
11:00-11:15: Boys wake up from nap, eat 6 oz bottle
12:00/12:30: Lunch (the exact time of this varies a little)
1:30: Nap
3:00 or so: Boys wake up from nap, eat 6 oz bottle
5:30 or 6:00: Dinner
7:00 Bath (if it's a bath night)
7:30: Start bedtime routine (bottle, then book, then bed)
7 a.m. wake up
7:30 bottle, oatmeal, yogurt
9 a.m. nap (1.5-2 hrs)
11 a.m. solids/finger foods
2 p.m. bottle
2:30 p.m. nap (1.5 hours)
4:30 small bottle and solids/finger foods
7 p.m. bottle
7:15 p.m. bed