3rd Trimester

Mild contractions, bloody show and not calling doc

I've had bloody show all night and mild contractions but I am just going about my day since the contractions aren't really painful...I'm also not calling my doc bc I feel like she would just send me to L&D, they would check for dilation and send me home. It's the right call, right? Bloody show is just a precursor that could last for a while?
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Re: Mild contractions, bloody show and not calling doc

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    I would not mess around with anything that can be referred to as a "bloody show".... thats just me. 
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    Last pregnancy, I woke up with bloody show, had "easy contractions" for 11 hours and didn't call my doctor. Then my water broke and my baby was born 58 minutes later.


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    Yep.... now that I am full term, my doctor said dont even think about calling or coming in unless I am having contractions so painfull that I cant talk thru them.... they are lasting between 45 seconds and 1 minute, and this is going on for atleast 1 hour... then I can come in! Or, if my water breaks (duh!)
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    My MW said to call only once contractions are 4-6 min apart for an hour, or if my water breaks...so I would say once you can time your contractions for an hour at 4-6 min it is time to call even if they are not painful yet.
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    If it were me, I'd prob call the doc and explain the blood but that your contrax are nothing right now---and ask when to go in or call again. 
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    I had blood the night/morning before I gave birth with mild contractions.  I only "labored" for like 8 hours total.  Don't mess with the red stuff!
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    Just call your doctor. 

    They can't "make" you do anything so a phone call certainly won't hurt.  

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    I had to look it up. I hadn't gotten to the "bloody show" part yet.

    You seem to have it under control, but this is from What to Expect:

    Keep an eye on the discharge. If it seems heavy (more than two tablespoons) or turns bright red, contact your practitioner ASAP. Bleeding could be a sign of placenta previa or placenta abruption, both of which require immediate medical attention.   

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    Funny... I'm right there with you. Literally.

    I've had bloody show since Monday morning and still have no 'real' contractions (plenty of BH or light ones). I called my MW on Monday, pretty much right away, to keep her in the loop, and now she knows what's going on and I know what to look for/call for. (That said, I'm her only patient due this month, and she needs a little head's up to get here when things start to happen... so we talk pretty regularly. Might be a different situation with an OB or an office.)

    FWIW, she wasn't psyched on Monday night when I had a couple hours of what I called bleeding, but I'm back to brownish bloody show and we are going to stick to my regular appointment tomorrow unless the blood is red and higher volume (at which point, we've already discussed getting an ultrasound to check the placenta).

    GL! If calling will make you feel better, pick up the phone.


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    With DD I had my "bloody show" first thing in the morning--my water broke at about 4pm that afternoon, and she was born at midnight.  If you're comfortable enough to walk around, etc., then I'd absolutely stay home.  FWIW, I had an appt that same day, so I woke up bleeding, went to the dr., and she said it would be "any time"...and sent me home.  I was dilated to a 4 at that point, but no contractions and water still intact.
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