Long Island Babies

Best Prenatal Vitamin

I just found out I am pregnant but started taking a prenatal vitamin about a month ago. I have been taking one by New Chapter Organics which I bought at Whole Foods - it was recommended by two different women I know that took it throughout their entire pregnancies. The thing is, I feel like these vitamins are making me very jittery, I almost feel like I drank 4 vups of coffee after taking them. Is this normal? They seem to have all the same levels of vitamins and minerals as most other prenatals on the market and they are natural so there aren't any dyes or anything else funky in them. I have yet to see my doctor as my first appt. isn't until week 8, but I am curious if anyone else has experienced this with their vitamins. Any recommendations on a good brand to buy?
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Re: Best Prenatal Vitamin

  • During my pregnancyI took Rainbow Light Prenatal One and loved it. My son is 9 months now and I am still taking it.
  • I was given a perscription from my OB for Cavan with DHA & Folate and I am still taking them while I am breastfeeding.

    They are small, easy on the stomach and no jitters here! OTC pre-natals dont have enough DHA, folate and calcium in them to support you during pregnancy. Although, they are great when trying to concieve and during your fertile years. Not to mention the great things they do for your hair and nails!

    Every person is differnt and reacts differently to vitamins, ask for samples from your OB. they should give them to you no problem. 

     Congratulations and good luck!

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  • Thank you! I have my first OB appt. next week and will definately ask and see what my doctor prescribes.
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  • I took Trader Joes prenatal vitamins with my doctor's permission.  My prescription coverage is lousy and my doctor said that there was no need to take the RX vitamins.  The only thing that is really important in the folic acid and there is the appropriate amount in the Trade Joe vitamins.  I had no jitters at all and I don't think that jitters are normal.  The vitamins make me a little sick to my stomach at first, but I got used to it.  Good luck and congratulations on being pregnant.
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