Parenting after a Loss

Prayers needed

I have a very heavy heart, today, Ladies. I have a friend who gave birth in September at 25 weeks. The baby was the size of a 20 week old. She was 11 oz at birth. She was not getting enough blood flow inside the mama to grow, so they had to take her c-section. Here it is, 6 months later, at 5.5 lbs, and this tiny miracle has fought so hard and has survived. I wish I could list everything this little angel has been through, but just surviving is amazing in itself. Now her lungs are weakening and she is in critical condition. Her mother, my friend, has been in the Ronald Mcdonald house for these last 6 months. The medical team has been awesome. It rips my heart out to see such a fight for her life. She was doing so well, had a baby shower a week from yesterday. Then, a few days ago, her lungs began to weaken. My heart just breaks for my friend. I truly believe miracles can happen and if anyone can send up a few extra prayers, I know they'll be received graciously! Coming from someone who has had a loss and witnessed a friend's loss of her 3 month old, I cannot imagine the sorrow this mother is feeling with little hope coming from the doctors. Sorry to be a grey cloud, but like I said, I have a heavy heart and really just want to know there is some extra thoughts and prayers being sent! Thanks ladies!

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