South Florida Babies

babies who sttn <3 months

Hey mommies!

I read Jackie's post about sttn and I was wondering if your babies need milk a lot more often during the day now that they don't wake up to drink at night. Also, at what time do you do bath time and bedtime for them?

imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: babies who sttn <3 months

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    Yes!  Elise has rarely gone longer than 3 hours without feeding and she feeds around 6 times a day!  She started dropping nighttime feedings at 6 weeks.  At first it was one, then at 2 months, she dropped another.  By 3 months, she was only waking up once in the early a.m. to feed.  But, recently @ 4 months, she started sleeping until 6 or 7 a.m.   She's always been up by dawn, though, and sleeps in when it's cloudier outside, lol. 

    I've noticed that in the evenings she drinks more ounces and closer together. Sometimes, even every 2-2.5 hours.  We do bathtime around 7:30/8:00 p.m. and then she's out by 8:30 the latest.  We've put her to bed later if we were out, but she still wakes up at the same time.  Also, another thing I've noticed is that she sleeps in longer when she doesn' have a nap after 4 or 5 p.m.  She SHOULD take one in the evening, but she gets overstimulated when DH gets home and then if I DO manage to get her to nap it's too close to bathtime.  So, sometimes, we just keep her up and when we see her getting fussy we do bathtime since she is always content in the bath.  Because of this, some days her bedtime may be a little earlier, but it doesn't really affect how long she'll sleep.  But, I'd rather put her to bed earlier than spend an 1 hour trying to get her to take a nap around 6 p.m. 

    My only concern is that I still swaddle her.  I put her to bed in a sleepsack a couple of weeks ago and she woke up around 1 a.m.  I didn't feed her; I just swaddled her and she went back to sleep until morning.  She keeps busting out of her swaddle lately.  Sometimes, it wakes her; other times, it doesn't.  My spring break project will be to get her to sleep without it!  Of course, there are times when something wakes her up.  She can usually put herself back to sleep b/c I hear her fussing/kicking, but within a few seconds she goes back to sleep.  If it's longer than that or turns into crying, I'll go in to help her fall asleep, again.  But, since she's been STTN without feedings, then I have been trying other things.  Last night, we put her to bed by 8 p.m., she woke up around 1 a.m. because she had gotten out of her swaddle.  So, I reswaddled her.  I'm not really sure when she woke up, but I went into her room around 7 a.m. and she was awake, with one arm out of the swaddle, and she was just staring at her mobile.  We fed her at that time, but she didn't even finish the bottle.  So, I really think she is just hungriest in the afternoon/evenings and that's what helps her STTN. 

    Sorry so long, but I analyze this A LOT b/c I'm fearing the 4 month wakeful and getting her deswaddled.  Can't I just swaddle her until she's 2, lol???

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    Hey! Sorry, I know you had asked something about STTN on your FB messag and I forgot to answer!

    Brayden is sleeping from about 8pm until 5am. At that point, he'll drink 4oz and go right back down until around 7-8am. He has been drinking a little more oz with each bottle, but I'm not sure if it's related to STTN or age b/c I think it started after his STTN schedule. He's now taking 6oz every 3-4 hours. How's M doing? Is he sleeping good?

    Camryn Grace ~ July 6th, 2009 ~ 7lbs 9oz, 20.5" Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
    Brayden Richard Drew ~ December 20, 2010~7lbs 9oz, 20" Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Thanks! I'm trying to figure out if there's something I can do so he can sleep longer stretches at night. Sometimes he sleeps 4hr stretches, which is fine for now because that extra hour feels like heaven! During the day he's drinking 3-3.5oz every 3 hours (sometimes every 2.5hrs).
    imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Also, I noticed that at 2 months, I had to switch the nipple level because she would get tired and give up on finishing her bottles.  She's starting to do so, again, so I might switch to level 3 now.

    At 2 months, when I switched to the medium flow nipple, I noticed she drank more at each feeding and dropped a feeding because she was able to space them out more. 


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