The post of names from 1921 inspired me to go through some local census records online from my hometown in NB Canada. I am posting the unusual ones.
Effie, phebe, maud, flossie, ambrosine, thyra, roby, lottie, birtha, elthina, louesia, adda, samira, methebel, lulu, deila, marilla, ermengare, besse, maime, hattie, readette, florette, alma, nestie, danne, birtie, maryette, medora, jesae, zeena, diadamy, maggiasa, damey, lissia, hattie, alberta, levina, zelpa, zilphia, rosella, jennet, jerilla, medora, loriena, fanny, harrett, alberetta, minnea, dortha, lucrettie, rossie, marine, zettella, byrnessa, octavia, augusta, almira, phennie, lewilda, idallah, lillia, hildra, saida, mahatabble, bealugh, ezeliah,
strange, howatt, morlay, rebuen, alexand, singleton, hiram, alonzo, goldwin, hannington, emery, beryl, geo, elmer, enoch, gideon, amasa, dunken, herman, alphonza, newton, ebenezer, adalbert, merton, lebaron, milford, gaius, wellington, bryne, artumas, constantine, robinson, barrak, chipman, melbourne, alfred, lodiwick, erlo, eldon, elmer, enoch, alesoan, jotham, manley, dell, uriah, wilmot, sherman, lemeol, givan, soloman, coleman, gaius, erne, leslie, amos, wilfred, rufus, warring, horatio, burbage, wilburn, richardson, gamalial, whitfield, larkin, orville, lorn, grover, odber, havelock,
Re: names from 1891
The only ones I like are Lottie, Hattie, Lillia, Emery, Gideon, Amos & Larkin {though I prefer this on a girl}.
Others are REALLY not my style!
I always laugh when I see Alma on names lists. I live in the town of Alma lol also I think of Sister Act
It was someone's name.
Well Ladies I think we all found our next DDs name Nestie! LOL!
I'm not entirely sure where that is... My mom would know though lol