They called this morning accusing me of missing my February car payment. They had my employer wrong, my payment amount wrong, the past due amount wrong and I couldn't get on to their online site while he was on the phone with me. Hmmm, a good chance he had some bad info, given all of the above yet he was still a jackhole to me. I suppose I understand that a collection call should be direct and to the point because most people truly are dilinquent, but one should verify his info before treating a good standing customer like ***. I would love nothing more than to transfer this loan to another bank!!! Looks like I have some work to do on Monday.
Christmas 2009
Re: man, do I hate bank of america
Our mortgage is through Bank of America but not by choice. Our original mortgage was with Countrywide who was bought out by BoA. We are in the process of refinancing our mortgage in order to do an addition on our house and DH was working through BoA since our existing mortgage is already with them. I kept telling him we should shop with different lenders. Sure enough, I found a bank that has a much better loan option for us.
We haven't had any problems with BoA (yet, knock on wood) but I just hate the big banks because they lack any motivation to provide customers with good service and products.