LO has been in sposies since he was born because we have BG 4.0s and he was too small for them. Well, he's 3 weeks old and just shy of 10lbs. He was circumcised 3 days ago. Trying to decide if we should try switching to the CDs as soon has he's finished healing.
If you did sposies for a short time before using CDs, when did you make the transition?
Re: When did you start CDing
i was actually slow on the transition. i had been researching and thinking about starting cd's with my 3rd. the curiosity started when she was about 5 months old, but we didn't actually start until she was about 9 mos or so.
it was too much of an expense (or so i thought) to start so i held off. then like a knight in shining armor... babysteals had their sale on the grobaby's. it was 3 shells plus 3 boxes of disposable inserts. i literally did some research on grobaby's within 5 mins and decided it was cheap enough for me to try it out so i ordered two sets. i thought the disposable inserts were great for a learning and transition experience. shortly after i got the grobaby's, the grobaby inserts started to get liquidated by sellers, so i snatched up what i could with those sales as well. we have never turned back!
i've got #4 on the way, and i'm actually researching now as to what to use for a newborn. i love my grobaby's so much, that i'm probably going to go ahead and order their newborn aio's. i was considering just using disposables for the first few months, but their package of 12 dipes seemed reasonable enough to me to go ahead and buy them.
<a href="http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b316/Vanessro82/?action=view