February 2011 Moms

XP: Kaleigh Lynn has arrived!

Hello all, I've missed you!  So let me start out by saying, breast feeding is not easy and I commend any woman that does it and does it well.  Ok so now to the good stuff.  I went into the hospital Tues 2/22 at 5:00am and I was on a pitocin drip by 6:30.  I wanted to hold off until about 6cm to get an epidural however... I made it to 4 and said screw it lol.  That was working good for a bit then it only worked on the left so I had to lean to my right and they gave me more which helped a little. I wasn't making progress really quickly so after the epi they broke my water and my little angel had taken a bowel movement inside me.  That worried me a bit b/c I had read about the dangers of that... but my dr didn't seem too concerned.  So at about 5:30 they checked me and I was 7cm, 90%, and -1.  Then at 7 I felt lots of pressure so I asked to be checked and BAM her head was right there.  I pushed for maybe 15-20 min and tada my pretty princess was born.  She was 6lb 13.5oz (I was 6lb 14oz when I was born, I thought that was kinda cool) and 20in long.  She is her father's daughter as you'll see below in the pics b/c she is a full on GINGERRRR!!  Haha, I love it though.  The nurses keep telling me how rare it is for them to see a redhead and they get really excited when they do.  Ok well there it is folks, my birth story.  I am so happy, and she's so perfect.  She does like to sleep vs. eat though lol so a lot of the time when they bring her in to eat she refuses to wake up.  Silly girl....  Anyway I'm gonna try and feed her now I hope all you bumpies enjoy the pics!image imageimage 
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