After power went out again and everyone in the family being sick, I decided to buy some cheap cell phones. ?Like $10 cheap pay as you go phones.
First time DH or I have ever owned a cell phone. ?Eveer.
My confession? ?I'm completely intimidated by the thing.
I'm OLD.
ETA eveer?? ?I'm also high on cough meds. ?lol
Re: Confession
You are old!
I've had a cell (or mobile? I think it was back in the day) for nearly 1/2 my life now...about 15 yrs. I would d.i.e. without it. Just like H would d.i.e. without his Angry Birds app.
We've honestly never had the want or need for them. ?We do now.?
And I swear, the day my DD learned how to blow her nose, angels were singing LOL
I set it up online, so nya LOL
Bryan? ?"Mommy, push the button dat says OK. ?It has O and K on it it spells OK"
Lol. You go, girl.
Better watch out for that one! Don't leave the phone unattended. ;-)