I am 35 and pregnant with our first. We call this our miracle child. We went through 6 years of fertility treatment only to have our last IVF with donor cycle fail last June. I stopped all treatment and was making plans for graduate school when I discovered I wasn't suffering from kidney failure but was pregnant! We are at 20 weeks and found out today at our Level 2 u/s that the baby is healthy and a girl. Today was the first day where I felt as though it was okay to just enjoy being pregnant and not worrying about everything that could go wrong with the pregnancy. I of course will still worry, but I am hoping this board will help me take in the good moments of this pregnancy as well.
Re: Intro: 35 and pregnant with first
try and enjoy the second half - and welcome to the board!
That's awesome to hear! 20 weeks?! You're half way there already. How wonderful to know that you're pregnant without using a donor!
And I was 35 when I had my first as well.
Delivered 3 weeks and 2 days early via emergency c/s due to pre-e