I made an excuse to talk with my "normal" nurse at the RE's office today, i.e., not the one who called me last week and depressed me about the DHEA,
She assured me that DHEA, while helpful, isn't "the" magic bullet, and a testosterone level of 31, though not as good as the 37 I had and not the ideal 50 they look for, was a heck of a lot better than the less than 1 I had before taking DHEA, and there was no reason to think any less of this cycle because of it.
She assured me the Amox the dr gave me yesterday was totally fine.
And she assured me that all of the crazy CM I've had is related to the hCG shots, I'm not going crazy and not to worry that things never dried out.
She also said that since DH was going out of town on March 2 but my test date isn't until March 3, that if I have reason to think a positive on March 2 is real (I ordered a bunch of internet cheapie test sticks and if I monitor the hCG going down and see it go back up) she'll be glad to do my betas that day, the number at that point should be easy to differentiate residual hCG from a pregnancy, and it would allow us to get a second beta before the weekend, which would be huge.
DH will be out of town that Wednesday through Friday night, and I have a singing gig all week and weekend, and I think that no matter what the results, I'd rather have the energy of *knowing* even if the results are bad, than have the energy of uncertainty. I don't do well with uncertainty. Bet you guys would never have guessed that....
Re: slightly more optimistic outlook
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
A ha! Thanks for the insight. I wondered what was going on with my CM! I've got such crazy amounts of it that I was contemplating using a liner....just like when I was pg. I guess the hCG in my system is the likely culprit!
*TW loss and children mentioned*
Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen
Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019
Yep, she said hCG increases estrogen, and that's what makes the CM watery. Or thinking differently, it's making your body think it's pg and I know I had a ton of, ahem, watery discharge, during my pg with DS.
Or, you could be pg!