I think Ivy Hennessey looks like a great name!!! I only hate it if it gets uber-cutesy... (i.e. Karlee Hennessey, Kaliee, Kilee, Andee, etc. Ivy is a correctly spelled, classic name, so it's fine IMO!)
Our last name ends in a "y" also. it's hard to have to avoid every cute name ending in "y" but it would just sound silly and our daughter will probably hate the rhyming... honestly if your last name has is as long as Hennessey, then Ivy shouldn't sound too bad. all the syllables in between kind of break up the rhyme. If your last name was short, then it'd sound pretty weird. But Ivy Hennessey sounds alright to me.
I try to stay away from matching fn/ln endings, but as other people have said, sometimes it works. Without knowing your actual last name, I don't think this combo sounds that bad.
Big Boy N - 2009 Little Man Z - 2011 Baby Girl E - 2013
I think it sounds fine. Like PPers said, the difference in the number of syllables in the two names makes it work. Its a gazillion times less rhymey then my name. Both my first and (married) last name are two syllable names ending in -ley. Now thats something to be avoided.
Meh....doesn't sound terrible, but doesn't sound great either. If you really, really love Ivy, I think it's OK, but if there's another name that you like just as much but doesn't end in "y", that'd be better.
This was something we went through when naming DD...I loved tony of names that ended in Y, or IE, and out last name has an I ending....in the end we decided not to do it, becuase we didn't want her to be teased.
Re: first and last name both ending with "y" - sounk ok?
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
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I don't hate it.
It's one of those weighing your options things---sure, there are worse combinations, but there are better ones, too.
I agree with this.
Little Man Z - 2011
Baby Girl E - 2013
I think it is fine since your ln has more syllables than the fn.
Ivy Brady... not so good. Ivy Hennessey... I think fine.