Cloth Diapering

How Does Everyone Handle Traveling?

We're going to my inlaws this weekend for three days.  I'm not sure how comfortable my mother in law is with soiled diapers in her washing machine.  I really only have enough diapers for 2 days, I suppose I could buy more cloth diapers for when we visit next time, and just do the wash when we get back, but I was curious how everyone else handles travel when you don't have your normal access to laundry facilities.

Re: How Does Everyone Handle Traveling?

  • I haven't traveled without access to a washer/dryer yet. We are cruising at the end of the year and I suppose we will use disposables. 

    If I was going to stay with my in-laws, I would just ask. All my family knows we cloth diaper and understand that we need to do an extra load of wash. If you visit often and she is uncomfortable with it, I would get an extra day's worth of prefolds. They are cheap and will pay for themselves if you use them often enough. 

    DS 09.11.10
  • I would just ask, and explain to her that there will be no poo residue in her washer.  I've washed at my SILs house and my parents house several times, no problems!

    BabyFetus Ticker
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  • IMO, a soiled diaper is no worse than when they blow out of disposables and you have to wash the outfit (right away to avoid staining, too...hopefully), so maybe if you chat with her about it and mention the blow out possibility, she'll "get it". Smile That thought pretty much JUST hit me when I read your OP. Lol. Good thing for ME to keep in mind when we go visiting! Wink
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