
I hate "playing it by ear" cycles

I am a planner and I like schedules.  It causes me immense amounts of stress to just "play it by ear".    Tomorrow is my baseline for IVF #2 where I will hopefully get some answers but I need to decide today which days I need off work next week.  I called and talked to a nurse I don't know and obviously doesn't know me.  I start stims Saturday and she said my first monitoring appt. would be Thursday or Friday.  That seems late to me since I'm doing microflare and on the internet it says most people only stim 7 days and I'm a good responder.  I stimmed 9 days on long lupron.  So I took Thursday off but I'm afraid they will want me on a different day instead and neither work nor my RE are very flexible. 

My ER will likely be the following Sunday or Monday with an ET either Friday or Saturday.  So I wanted to take Monday and Friday off just in case.  Both days my one and only sub is already working somewhere else.  Well now who the heck am I gonna get to cover for me without explaining every personal detail of why I desperately need someone and can't reschedule my "appointment"?  I'm paying $10k OOP for this and work is seriously getting in the way.  I'm the only person in this small office so I can't just close the post office for a couple hours while I go to an appointment.  This extra stress is not good for my cycle. 

*vent over*

How do you manage to get away from work for the short notice appointments?   And do you think my RE can slightly manipulate my cycle timing to go with my schedule?  Like could I coast for a day before trigger?  If I can't get a couple hours to travel out of town to the RE for a monitoring appt., would they be able to get enough info from E2 at the local lab to make a decision with no ultrasound?  I know I just need to relax about all this but it just isn't in my nature. 

Started TTC January 2007 4 failed IUIs, 2 failed IVFs
2012 - Adopted Child #1
2014- Adopted Child #2

2015 - Fostering Child #3

Check out my infertility turned adoption blog: Discovering Joy In The Storm

Re: I hate "playing it by ear" cycles

  • I'm so sorry you're having to deal with scheduling on top of everything else you are going through with IVF #2!  I am not to the point of IVF yet, but I totally relate to being a planner and having a hard time getting away from the office, so I look forward to what the other ladies have to say.

    I don't have any great advice for how to handle it, but I have heard anecdotally that cycles can be modified one day here or there to allow for a day trip out of town.  I am doing that with IUI #2 to deal with a business trip...despite being completely freaked about cancelling the cycle, etc., the nurse said it was "no big deal." 

    Good luck!

    TTC since 11/09
    Two C/P and Lots of Tests
    Me = LPD + cancer survivor, DH = low count and morphology
    IUIs #1-5, January 2011 - June 2011 = BFN
    IVF #1 in July/August 2011 = BFP!!!!!

    BabyFetus Ticker
    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
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