So DS is eating solids now and he has the poop to prove it- yikes. Before they went into a bag in his room and every day and a half or so we dumped them in the wash- very simple. But it seems a bit gross to have actually "man" poop sitting in a bag and the smell is noticable I think. What is your system for dirty diapers once we hit this stage? TIA!
Re: What's your system for dirties?
Clean off the poop before it goes in the pail. That's what I do. If the poop is ploppable, I plop it. If it's easily scrapable, I scrape. Otherwise I rinse in the sink (I throw the inserts in the pail first - we use pockets). Then I throw the plopped/scraped/rinsed pocket shell in the pail. I wash every day because I have two in cloth. When I only had DD1, I washed every other day.
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I have a kitchen sprayer attached to my toilet so I spray off poop into toilet and then put in hanging pail wet bag.
With DS we didn't have a sprayer and I did flushable liners they work really well.
For all 3
Thanks everyone! I was having a hard time figuring out how to chenge the diaper, carry it to the toilet to scrape/spray, etc and what to do with LO while I'm doing all that. Do you just put on a new diaper and set them in the crib or floor of their room while you handle to rest of the stuff? And do you all keep your wet bag in the bathroom? My DH isn't thrilled with that idea but I don't want to carry a wet drippy diaper back into LO's room to put it in the bag, right? I may be over thinking this....
Yes and yes, but we have a pail instead of a wet bag.
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