
update to doctor appointment

The good news is that our new pedi, the nurses, and the people who work the front desk are SO NICE!

The bad news is she thinks that Sam is going to need a cat scan so they will be calling us to schedle it soon.  They will be doing at All Children's hospital so that is great but it is almost an hour away.  The pedi talked to the hospital staff and they said he would not need to be knocked out.  I have no idea how they plan on keeping Sam stay still for 5-10 min it is a wrestling match to get his diaper changed. 

While I'm still obviously worried about what could be wrong with Sam I'm not as worried after talking to the new pedi.  I really think he just has a big head (something he got from me) that is full of brains (he got that from me too!) 

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Re: update to doctor appointment

  • DS had a CT scan when he was hospitalized. ?It didn't take 5-10 minutes. ?Maybe 3. ?He cried hard. ?And a lot. ?But they projected something onto the ceiling and I entertained him like crazy while they were doing the actual scan. ?They did tell me they would sedate him if it didn't work, but maybe they needed a better scan. ?Anyway, DS did great!
  • i am so happy to hear that you like your new pedi and staff, that must be such a relief to find someone who you trust.  good luck with the cat scan, i will be praying!
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  • I am so glad that you like your new pedi.  The ct scan won't take very long at all, and remember that they are used to babies and kids, so if they said they can do it without sedation, they are confident that he probably won't need it.  I work with adults, and am amazed at the tricks that the children's hospital has to distract kids and babies.  Oh, and don't some Dr.'s have an inate way of scaring the heck out of you??
  • I'm so glad you found a doctor that you like! It makes all the difference in the world.

     I hope the CT scan is a piece of cake, and you get great results from it! 

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