Poor thing is on her FIFTH antibiotic since December. This ear infection (double) is really bad, Oh and she had pink eye and cut two top teeth this week too...
ETA: DD#1 got tubes around the same time and it made a world of difference!
Poor thing! The antibiotics were a big part of why we decided to do the tubes (well, that and not wanting DD to be sick all the time). It's only been a month, but so far she is so much better.
It's so hard to think about your little one going into surgery of any kind, but this one is super simple!
Awww... I hope the tubes make the difference for her too. I've got a follow-up with Henry's ENT in a few weeks to see if the antibiotics dried up his fluid. Otherwise, we'll be getting tubes too.
Re: DD#2 is getting tubes on the 21st :(
Because we're fancy like that.
Poor thing! The antibiotics were a big part of why we decided to do the tubes (well, that and not wanting DD to be sick all the time). It's only been a month, but so far she is so much better.
It's so hard to think about your little one going into surgery of any kind, but this one is super simple!
Poor little girl
The girls just got tubes last week and although Karly is on antibiotics for 2 more days, they are much happier and fever/pain free.
I hope the 21st arrives quickly so your little one can get the tubes and be on the road to recovery.