I was thinking about this today so lets share some great Valentines Day stories.
Valentines Day 2005 was awesome! DH and I were still "newlyweds" so he wanted to impress me. I came home from work on Valentines Day and he isn't home yet. I find a box sitting on the counter that said "Open Me" so I opened it and I find a metal rose inside of it. There is a card attached to it and when I open it, it says "Like this rose, our love will never die." I was shocked and thought it was so sweet. I still have that metal rose in a vase in our bedroom as a reminder of that day.
Re: Tell us about your favorite Valentines Day memory
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
It was Valentine's Day 2004-our first Valentine's Day as a couple. DH (then my boyfriend) had a conference in Paris the week before and would not be home for Valentine's Day.
He was so upset over the thought of us not spending the day together that he surprised me and bought me a ticket to Paris so we could go together. Paris for Valentine's Day was awesome-we went up the Effiel Tower at night and went to the Haagen Daaz cafe for dessert
He will never top that Valentine's Day which makes the holiday all the better-no pressure there.
Valentine's Day 2002 will never be topped. It was the day that DH and I got up, drove to the oncologist, and got the news that his scans were clean, he was in remission, and had no evidence of disease. Our nightmare of the previous 4 months was over, after 2 major surgeries and 3 grueling rounds of chemo. His fertility was gone, but I still had him.
After the appointment, we went out to breakfast, and they were giving out red carnations to all the ladies. I dried mine, and still have it.
This year will be 9 years since that day, and I still look on it in the top 5 happiest days of my life.