...I find it amusing to see some of the very involved practices that go on. One mom is heating the crib mattress with a heating pad before putting her LO down. Another mom has a 10 step bettime routine.
Don't get me wrong I think it's great. These moms obviously care a great deal and are very involved. It's just funny to me to read because it's just a different world as I'm doing bottle, swaddle, kiss, down! Then I run away with my fingers crossed! Okay, I may be exaggerating a bit but you know what I mean.
Re: When I browse other boards...
It's a whole different world, isn't it?
A part of me is sooooo glad I had twins so I don't have time to "obsess" over a single baby.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
oh YES, I know what you mean!! LOL
Totally feel the same way. The other posts that get me (and this may be flammable) are the ones by moms with babies the same age as my LOs that include the following:
--When they say how they can't put down their baby/baby won't play independently or the baby will cry. One things twins learn how to do is play independently b/c they have to do something when their sibling is being tended to.
--The women who don't have time for a shower. I've taken a shower nearly everyday since bringing these babies home. The babies will be okay if you put them in their bouncer for a few minutes or if you get up a few minutes before they do to take a shower.
--The people who can't find time to clean their houses b/c of the babies and talk about what a disaster it is, especially those people who work. We don't have a cleaning person and yet we still are able to maintain a tidy (maybe not spotless) home. It's especially easy with us working b/c we're not home to make a mess.
And of course, I only mean these things for families with one baby who is a similar age as our LOs and with two parents. I understand that things are different when your kids start to become mobile and for families with additional older kids, kids with special needs (even colic), single parents, military families with one parent deployed, etc.
I love the posts that talk about how tiring it is to have a baby and how utterly exhausted they are. Make me laugh!
...i really am tempted to say, "Really? How tired? Please, do tell." lol
OP, DH and I also do the kiss, put down and then duck out of the room as fast as possible.
But yes, same thing with dressing your babies. I'd probably dress them more if I only had one. No one is going to judge me that I send two babies to daycare in jammies every day.
I still have problems taking a shower when I'm home alone with the girls. So Thursdays (my day off from work) I don't shower.
We also don't keep a straightened up house. We clean once or twice a week, but if anyone just pops over, they're taking a chance that they're going to be sitting next to our dirty baby clothes basket until we can take it upstairs.
That being said, I don't often give advice (or open posts, really) about most anything baby-related anymore because I rarely have anything to contribute. I don't BF, the girls don't have colic, they aren't swaddled anymore, they hated most of their baby gear (including swings and bouncers), wear disposible diapers, etc. etc. etc.
I will say, though, that most of the MoMs I've met in real life are waaaaaay more laid back than singleton moms.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Yup, our bedtime routine also includes ducking and running!
My hat is off to the triplet mommies (or more!). I'm sure you look at us and think, "Gawd, how easy would it be to do this with TWO babies?"
DH and I say this all the time about parents of triplets and more.
Hehe. I had to hold my tongue when my friend was talking about how hard it was to get her 14 month old singleton together to go to daycare for the first time. 3 changes of outfits! And 3 packs of diapers! The horror! Of course I think she was horrified to learn that we don't rock and sing at bedtime. It's bath, bottle, swaddle, paci, seahorse, RUN.
I am in awe of triplet+ moms who have more babies than hands. I figure I have 2 hands and 2 babies, and that works out.
totally agree with these! I have taken a shower every single day since they were born. It's the one thing that makes me feel sane! I work full time and the house is definitely not what it used to be, but I'm not embarrassed if someone stops over. (but my standards have definitely dropped :-)
we also don't have a bedtime routine. They just go to bed. maybe we are just lucky, but I like to think it's because we didn't leave room for nonsense.
Maybe this explains why people are constantly telling me how laid back I am. If they're both happy, fed and playing, I'm not going to worry about the sink full of dishes or the pile of clothes i have to fold and put away. I would be committed at this point if I worried about everything.
I agree about only having one baby sometimes too. It so much easier with just one to do anything.
I guess it's all relative. I always think -- crap this would be way easier with one baby! I've never had one baby but I'm pretty sure I'd be just as overwhelmed because it would have been all I'd known (does that sentence make any bloody sense at all?)
Anyway, I agree with PP's. I shake my head at some of the stuff on the age boards. People complaining about their baby getting up once a night to feed. Fvck people, try it with 2 who go from 0-60 in 5 seconds.
Oh and I've said it once and I'll say it again. The triplet and quad Momma's on the board -- you guys rule. I am humbled by you all
I don't even go to the age boards anymore because I just can't relate to most of their issues. But, I remember when my DD was a baby, I was completely overwhelmed. I had NO idea how easy one baby was.
And I agree about the showering. I have 3 kids, 3 and under and I shower every single day. I feel like I get so much more accomplished when I'm showered for the day.
LOL. 3 I can handle. But 4 - no way!!
I only have 1 child right now and he was a HARD baby. He was colic and cried constantly. He did not sleep more than 2 hours straight for 4 months.
I am not flaming anyone but every child is different. I am sure I will be able to relate to you ladies in a few months with 3 under 2. I just really hope my girls are nothing like my son was as a newborn.
This. Once in awhile I'll post on 6-9, and I'm always like, why did I do that? Love the vibe here...it's just a different world.
I wrote a blog post about this a year or so ago.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
My mom looked at me one day and said
"you're much more laid back as a mom than I expected you to be"
I just looked at her and said "when you have two there isn't a choice. You don't have time to worry about all the little things."
So, yeah. I'm glad I didn't have the opportunity to be that uptight parent I was apparently born to be.
I totally agree!
Sometimes I feel guilty about not having the complex bedtime routine then I see some of my friends with singletons the same age as mine and I hear them trying to put their baby to bed for an hour+ every night then I am releived I never had time for that!
I don't post anywhere but multiples board! Sometimes the military family board.. My mom friends w/ one baby act like they "get it" but.... they maybe only "get it" a little bit. No one but other MoMs knows what it's like to have multiple infants to care for 24/7.
Also want to say that you are a goddess warrior, being a mom of triplets!!