I posted a couple of days ago, but Gwen will not bear weight on her legs. I know she is 3 1/2 months adjusted, but when we hold her up to a standing position, she will melt in to us, or curl up/in. Please tell me if you think this is normal. I have her 6 month check in a month, and will bring it up then, but you know I will obsess until then.
It reminds me a bit of Ali on Teen mom 2, only not quite as obviously physically misaligned.
Re: Help reassure me with development
I'm not sure when that is considered abnormal but the twins on teen mom were much older than 3 1/2 adjusted, werent they?
Sorry I couldnt be of more help. DS was doing this basically since birth but that was just an indication of how he developed overall - quickly with motor skills but slower with things like talking.
My neighbors' son is 3 months, born full-term, and he doesn't push up or even lift his head very well-- so don't worry!
I am not sure what is normal in regards to Gwen's legs, since my guys did leg stuff early. If you are really worried, don't wait til your appointment and call the dr sooner!
I wouldn't worry too much yet considering she is 3 and half month adjusted. I would mention it at her next check up.
If you are really concerned you can always have EI come out and let them tell you what they think!
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
We just had Jakes 6month apt on Monday and he isn't sitting up yet and I was also worried. He is also being seen by EI for his tortocolis and "flat head" that he will probably need a helmut for..
Anyway, the EI and Pedi told me not to worry about Jake not sitting yet. He will and there is a huge age range 6-7/ 1/2 months is totally fine. The difficulty that we have is that Jake isn't considered a preemie cause he was born at 37 wks but he was small (IUGR is the diagnosis at 3 lbs he is now 14 5ounces). So, we don't get the adjusted rate but he has been diagnosed as being about a month behind. His pt teacher said he has weak "core muscles" which makes it hard for him to sit...
He just started (with in the last month) flipping over, being able to hold his head up during tummy time..We spend ALOT of time playing on the floor. Which he is doing now while I am on the computer!!
BUt if you are concerned I would bring it up at your 6 month apt and then see if you can get some kind of EI. I had no idea really what it was and after 4 apt it was the BEST thing we have ever done!!