Success after IF

OOP Meds Check-In

Hey girls!

The OOP Meds Check in is designed to help those who have to pay out of pocket for IF treatment and medication connect with those of you who have left over, unopened and unused meds to donate. Every little bit counts, and every donation is greatly appreciated! Some examples of desired meds include:

?        Follistim/Gonal-F

?        Repronex/Menopur

?        Ganirelix/Cetrotide

?        Prometrium/Progesterone

?        Ovidrel/HCG Triggers

?        Bravelle

?        Clomid

?        Crione

?        Vivelle

?        Luveris

?        Lupron

?        Dexamethasone

 If you have meds to donate, email me at: with:

?        IRL first, last and nestie name

?        Type of drugs and quantity available (units, vials, etc.)

?        Expiration date of drugs *very important*

?        The soonest date you are able to donate your meds

As soon as I have a match, I will email both of you to link you together, and from there you will exchange the appropriate information with your match. We truly appreciate any and all donations; every little bit makes a HUGE difference to those of us who are OOP!

*If you have any questions or comments concerning how this program is run PLEASE feel free to email me at  Your feedback in all forms is always much appreciated!*

Emily (EMNTOM)


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My Blog

TTC #1 Since June 2007
April 2008 Diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility
5 failed IUI cycles
2009-2011 IF Treatment Break - saving for IVF and TTC on our Own... Praying for a miracle

IVF (Long Lupron) Bravelle & Menopur, ER on 11/4 (Retrieved 17 eggs - 16 mature & 16 fertilized!)3dt on 11/7 (Transfered Two "perfect" 8 Cell 0% Frag Embryos) = BFFN

Nov 2011 - July 2012 Taking time off to heal before FET
(We have three beautiful frosties waiting for us)

FET August/September 2012 = BFP!!!
ET (8/31) 2 Expanded Blastocysts & 1 Collapsed Blastocyst
Beta#1 (9/14) 14dp5dt = 1309 Beta#2 (9/19) 19dp5dt = 7557!! 1st U/S (9/28) 1 Beautiful Heartbeat! 8 Weeks 2 Days 2nd U/S (10/9) Heartrate=184!!! EDD: 5/19/13

BabyFruit Ticker
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