
if you had a "surprise" pregnancy...

how long did it take you to adjust to the idea?

I'm not even sure I am pregnant, but it's possible and I'm already freaking out.  this would be #3.  We were on the fence about having any more, but the longer we've waited to decide, the more it seemed we were leaning towards just having 2. 

I'm kind of freaking out at even the possibility.  I can't imagine what I'll be feeling if I really AM pg.  I'll adjust, right??  RIGHT???!!!!  All the reasons for not having another one are running through my head - all mostly $$$ related -aaaaaaahhhhhhh

Re: if you had a "surprise" pregnancy...

  • 2 years.

    I feel you.  I panicked, and it lasted a while.  Even in the hospital getting ready to be induced was a surreal feeling.  At least you've been there!  I kind of thought marrying a man with 2 kids, I'd never have to go through the whole pregnancy and labor experience. 

    Hopefully it will get better for you quickly!  I was helped a lot by DH who was excited from the beginning.  You guys can do it!

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
  • DD was a surprise.  We  got pg with her when DS was just 9 months old.  Our plan was to wait until DS was 2 and I would have worked another year.  It took me about 4 or 5 months to get used to the idea and get excited. 
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  • This baby was a surprise, I found out when ds2 was 9 months old.  It took me a couple of weeks to get used to the idea, but I am really excited to have another baby to complete our family!  

    Good luck and keep us posted! 

    Kelly Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • This baby was a surprise.  It took us a few weeks to get adjusted but know we are excitied even though we live in a 2 bedroom condo.  We will make it work;)  I can't wait to meet him!!
  • This pregnancy was quite the surprise (pregnant on the pill, and had to use clomid to get pregnant the first two times). We were leaning towards another baby, but not for awhile yet. I'm still not sure how I feel. I'm definitely not used to the idea. I'm hoping I'll start to get excited soon (Frankly, I'm feeling a little guilty about how un-excited I am)

    Good luck!

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • My last three pregnancies were all a "surprise" in the sense that we weren't planning to get pregnant at that time. We found out I was pregnant with DS, 2 weeks before DD#1's first birthday. DD#2 we weren't going to try until fall and we found out in June that I was pregnant. DD#3, DD#2 we a little over 10 months when we found out I was pregnant again. They all worked out beautifully. We always knew we wanted a large family, so we just took them as they came!  You'll get over the shock, surprise, fears as time goes on. It maybe took me a month or two for it to really sink in.
  • this one was a surprise. I was on birth control and didn't really prepare for another. Not that we aren't, but DH and I are both anal-retentive planners that like to sort out issues like work, finances, logistics, etc.

    I'm still not used to the idea, honestly. Maybe once I really feel her start moving, I'll get a little more excited. I'm intrigued by the idea of having a girl, and in one sense relieved because ok, we'll be done after this one. And everyone else is super excited, which makes me feel guilty that I'm not. I don't think it'll really hit me till I have her in my arms, honestly. 

    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • #3 was a suprise.  I really felt in my heart I was done with the twins.  It was really hard because I felt guilty for not being excited when it was confirmed I was pregnant.  It was a surreal feeling and I was in denial for several months.  When I gave birth and looked at his little face all my fears were washed away.  He's 10 months now and the greatest joy I have ever known - besides my twins.  Every day is hectic and we're a big busy family.  However, he's made our family complete. 

    **DH got a vasectomy 2.5 weeks ago.

  • My 3rd was a surprise. I think I was in shock for the whole pregnancy.  But she's awesome and I can't imagine only having two now.  :)
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