My RE thinks I need progesterone going forward. Although he does not think that was the reason for my recent mc, he says it can't hurt. Going forward he wants me to start the progesterone 3 days after ovulation.
I assume if I do not get pregnant, then I will have to stop the progesterone to get a period, right? Also, after I stop the progesterone, how many days does it take to get a period? I wouldn't want the cycle to drag on if it wasn't successful.
And...I have to use OPKs. I assume I start on CD 7 and use FMU? Any tips for catching the smiley face;0
Re: For those who have done progesterone suppositories...
I would usually have CD 1 within about 2-3 days of stopping the progesterone supps.
No OPK tips here -- my PCOS made it very hard to determine on any of the "lined" tests, and the digital ones were too pricey for me to keep testing with!
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
Some people get their period even with P4, but most don't and it will take a few days after stopping to show up, but it is totally worth taking if you need it, it won't delay you that much. Are you getting a beta or just using an HPT?
I haven't used an OPK in like 4 years but I feel like I remember that you weren't supposed to use FMU for them?
Good luck!!
DD #1 {04-19-2004}
Secondary IF: Severe MFI (low testosterone, low count, low morph, & very low motility) & Annovulation
After 22 months IUI # 3 Clomid + Follistim = BFP
DD #2 {12-31-2009}
2 more years of failed IF treatments and a failed adoption TTC #3
TTC Journey Over~ Not By Choice
I have actually gotten my period while on progesterone when I wasn't pregnant. If you haven't gotten your period 14 days after you ovulate, take a pregnancy test, and then if it's negative you can stop.
Times I used Provera to start a period I would generally get my period about 2 days after stopping the Provera.
I used progesterone suppositories and after my blood test started my period the next day after not using the suppositories each time.