hi- thank you for taking the time to tell me your experience with this. when i called the radiology lab to schedule an u/s, i was told that they wouldn't even do it for 9 months old babies. i called the pedi and told her this and she said to try some of the other academic hospital labs (we are in nyc). so i did and of course none of them will do it. i asked the pedi to give me a referral for a pedi neuro and she said they will want a mri done before they will see me, but i think that is BS. i am going to call her back tmrw and get a referral. i don't want to get the mri until someone else takes a look at him. if a pedi neuro says to get the mri, then i will do it.
please keep in touch and let me know how the mri goes, and of course what the results are. again, i really appreciate the your post. best of luck to you and your baby.
Re: <><>emmyloustu<><>
No problem! I am glad to share and hopefully save someone else the stress and headache. I am on the same page as you and I would push for that referral and let the neurosurgeon make the call about the MRI. Since it is done under general anesthesia, it is not something I was about to rush into unless the neuro felt it was 100% necessary. if your pedi is still not cooperative, call around to some neuros yourself - when I called the nuero nurse was able to give me a list of everything I would need before the appt - referrals, reports etc...Then, I called my pedi and said, we have an appt on x date, I need a ref and records faxed ASAP.
Hopefully by this time next week, I will have some answers!
good luck to you and please keep me posted!