good morning all: I just got back from my u/s cd10. RE still is unable to locate one of my ovaries and the visible one is folded back so he can't be sure if it is the left or right. I'm all screwed up!!! Has anyone here been told their ovary is badly positioned? How is this going to effect the IUI ? They will be calling me to let me know about my estrogen levels.....I guess that will be the tell tale of whether the IUI cycle will continue. I'm feeling a little hopeless right now with my uncooperative body.
TTC since 2009
very frustrated 42yr and DH 40
5 cycles of Clomid with satisfactory response=BFN's
Fibroid removal Nov2010
IUI Clomid #1 Feb 2011...BFN..damn it!
IUI Inject's #2 Apr 2011...CANCELLED...low estradiol
IUI Inject's #3 June 2011...BFN
IUI Inject's #4 Sept2011...BFFN
Lap Dec 2011...severe endo..cyst removed..some remains...
IVF#1 Apr 2012 ....cancelled due to over suppression
IVF#2 July 2012....6 follies...only 1 retrieved....BFFN
surgery suggested to move ovary to an better placement but....we moved two time zones away and are financially and emotionally empty
Re: IUI and misplaced ovary?
I had a late in the cycle ultrasound where the nurse couldn't find my left ovary, which is always difficult to pin point because it's fairly high up. I came back the next day and the RE found it no problem. They tend to get easier to see as you stim more, so perhaps he could find it tomorrow?
I wouldn't want to trigger unless he could see both and verify the number of mature follies you have. Wouldn't want to risk HOM. Good luck!