(I've had AF back for over a year now, so it's not really a PP AF question, except that it relates to an issue that's only occurred since having a baby.)
It seems that I sometimes...um...pee myself while wearing a tampon. I've had no issue with incontinence when I don't have AF, and it's always been with a tampon in. Not a steady flow and it doesn't happen when I really need to pee, when I laugh, sneeze or anything like that. I'll be sitting around doing nothing and all of a sudden there's a gush. I always think my tampon is leaking, but nope.
Does this happen to anyone else? Worth a call to the OBGYN? I had a c/s, if that matters.
Thanks for any input.
I have something sort of like that...except it is more of a slow flow instead of a gush. My tampons end up soaked with urine...ick...